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Neither Son nor father paid any attention to the time, so wrapped up in their work that neither knew what time it was until luna plopped down into the seat between them, startling them from their work. Harry looked up, stretching out as he saw his Friend group, they all still held various looks of shock and slight fear but they still accepted him as their friend, Even morag and the other slytherins aside from Lillian were starting to warm up to him. "You missed dinner" Li said, all of them standing at the edge of the table, none of them moving to sit just yet, "Sorry, we had gotten distracted" Anthony Replied, both sharing a wince as they realized how caught up in their work they had gotten. "Luna what is in my hair?" Harry asking, having felt his daughter mess with his hair "I made crowns" She said absently, putting Anthony's on his head "It better not be Foxglove, one day of hallucinations and getting interrogated by andy is enough " Anthony said, " Sweetheart, this crown isn't pink right? " Harry asked, moving to pull the crown down, only for Luna to smack his hand away " I think they look good on you" Luna said with a giggle.

" As long as it isn't foxglove" Anthony said with a resigned sigh, he knew neither of them would win against Luna, it was better to give in then try to fight the Inevitable, " You make for a bad dark lord " Morag commented, each of them carefully taking their seats. " I act like a bad dark lord, I'm currently supposed to be a fifteen year old, in school who believes in Dumbledore" Harry corrected, defending himself. " Yes, your minions told us about this being your second chance " morag said, her respect for Potter grew, much to her disgust, but he deserved it, many wouldn't take a second chance at life to safe people, and he did so anyway. " How did you start working with the dark lord? " Tracey asked, the others perking up as well, they all wanted to know that, "in first year, Proffesor Quirrell had Volde-" harry stopped as almost everyone at the table flinched "Oh for- he isn't going to appear if I say his name, why the bloody hell foes he change his name, if he makes everyone to afraid to say this one" Harry ranted slightly." You were saying " terry said, getting the group back on track .

"Right, anyway the dark lord was on the back of Quirrell's head, no I won't explain how, he wanted the sorcerer's stone that dumbledore was hiding in the forbidden corridor he warned us about in the beginning of the year. I retrieved the stone and gave it to him, with a vow that he couldn't attack me while I was a student" Harry explained." Couldn't he have found a way to get you expelled? " Lillian asked " he tried over the summer, he sent barty after me to try and get rid of me but I took barty back to his base, had some words with him, curses were exchanged, all very boring. We didn't become allies until the summer after second year" harry said with a smirk." You're insane " tracey decided, " I know" harry said, his smirk widened before both his and Anthony's stomach's grumbled" guess we should go eat now " harry said, gathering his books to put away.


Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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