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Harry and the others stopped as his bracelet flashed green  "alright everyone, 20 flips will do, on the count of three, 1   2  3" harry said, as each of them flipped their Turner's back 20 hours, "good luck" Luna said as the others started moving to the satellites while harry led the broom to the moon.

~30 hours and 2 brooms later~

"Oh how I love being on solid ground again" Luna said with a sigh as they sat down, taking a break to eat "do you think we'll see any Moon frogs or the Mezzanottes? " Luna asked as they rested for a bit, "Maybe, or they may be a bit shy right now, love" harry said, looking towards his daughter with a smile. Once done both pulled out their last set of brooms and headed for the far side of the moon, him and Tom both agreed that the far side would be best as it saved them from discovery for longer, and no one was going to allow the destruction of the moon, especially as it would cause irreversible damage to earth. "How are you holding up hun? " harry asked in concern as they flew to the largest crater, the Aitken Basin,    this far out, not even their protective gear would be able to keep a hundred percent of the sun's radiation from affecting them. "the zero gravity is helping but I feel a little shaky"  Luna said, harry sighed, he hated that his little moon was getting Radiation sickness, but Tom had potions waiting for them once they were done here, "it's pretty" Luna commented, looking out towards the vast open space "it is, imagine waking up to this everyday once we're up here" harry said, before going into thought, once everyone was up here, he would reveal who he was, then his kids would be able to stay up here with him, Anubis would be here every other week and maybe, just maybe Tom would be joining them.

"I have 30 sample containers, luv, take 15 and get samples on the east side of the crater, I'll handle this side. Don't forget to stay in contact with me" Harry said, handing 15 containers to his daughter, Luna nodded before flying off, harry stopped for a moment and envisioned what it would look like when everything was done the North side would be taken over by an ocean, created specifically for the Aquatic creatures, along with mundane one and for the aquatic dragons, all of the dragon reserves would be over there as well, to the west would be the Prisons, only no dementors, Anubis agreed that they had far outlived their duty and was working on a way to mass kill them, the South and East would be for the wizarding world, how all of them would be placed was something still being discussed by Tom and Harry.

~2 hours later~

"All done sweetie? "  harry asked, putting his last sample in his bag "yep" Luna responded "alright, meet me at the center" harry said, flying in the direction his daughter had gone, a few minutes later both of them stopped next to each other "ready love" harry asked, "ready dad" Luna nodded before both were pulled by their navels.


Until next time my pups

• Mischief Managed•

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