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Harry looked around in interest as the port key activated, normally sound and color flew past them as they were being pulled to their new location, this however was different, there was no sound, no color just vast darkness as they flew past, Luna flinched slightly as suddenly a deafening boom rang through the air followed by a brief flash of light and color before both crashed face first into the floor. Harry groaned as he looked down at the broken broom stick sticking out of his stomach "lesson learned, never port key while on a broom" harry said, laughing slightly before he coughed up a bit of blood "Dad?!? Wh- what do I do? " Luna asked frantically, hurriedly sitting on her knees before she looked at her dad "carefully pull the stick out, I'll heal up in a minute sweetie" Harry said, as reassuring as he could while he had a stick in his stomach and blood around his mouth and chin. Luna did as instructed, her hand shaking as she tossed the piece of wood aside, she took a deep breath as the wound closed "you are an idiot Potter" Tom said, hiding the fear he felt when he saw the wood sticking out of him "I'm over 90 years old, I'm allowed a mistake every once in a while" Harry said, Grimacing slightly as he carefully sat up, Luna helped him up before he collapsed into a hastily conjured chair Tom made.

"Don't go dying on me Potter, I'd be lost without your handsome face to charm the masses" Tom said as he sat on his bed, the plan was for the pair to port key into Tom's room to receive their potions before heading to bed, Tom was surprised that he didn't feel as vulnerable as he thought he would with another person other then harry in his room, he thought it was mainly due to him knowing that for 1. Luna is Harry's daughter and wouldn't do anything and 2. He surprisingly trusts harry to protect him from harm, not that he needed protecting, he was more than capable of protecting himself but it felt nice to have that reassurance, Tom planned to take this revelation to the grave. "Awe, you think I'm hands- are you ok love? " harry started before quickly growing concerned as he turned towards his daughter who had gotten a paleish green tint to her face, "here, this will help with the nausea, the bathroom's behind you" Tom Said handing a bunch of potions to Luna, she took them before dashing into the bathroom. "How did it go, aside from almost dying by your own broom of course" Tom asked as he handed harry his potions and a towel "it went well, obviously port keys are possible but it's different, I guess because most of space is a vacuum, it started out with no nose or lights and I guess when we hit the atmosphere, a deafening bang rang through the air and suddenly their were lights and sounds" Harry explained, having quickly knocked back his potions.

"Was it longer" Tom wondered "yes, I think the vacuum slowed us down and once we hit the atmosphere it was over in a second, I'm curious to see what it would look like to port key up there" Harry said, trailing off in thought , "we'll try it tomorrow before the rest of your group is done" Tom said, harry nodded before looking over at Luna as she left the bathroom "how you feeling sweetie? " he asked , wrapping his arms around her as she curled up on his lap "when are we going back to school? " Luna mumbled, she missed her mate "once everyone else is back and feeling better" Harry said soothingly as he ran a hand through her now free hair. Luna nodded, yawning as she curled more into her father "we're gonna get to bed, see you tomorrow" Harry said as he stood while holding Luna securely in his arms "See you tomorrow.... Good night Harry" Tom said quietly "Good night Tom" Harry returned, hiding a grin as he left the room and walked to the one next door, Lucius having given him the room after he spent the night that Samhain. He carefully laid her in bed, magically changing her clothes into pajamas before he entered the bathroom and took a shower to clean all the blood off of him, Harry glanced in the mirror before stopping, looking at the healed crescent moon scar where he had gotten impaled "Ha ha, very funny" Harry said sarcastically to the room, already knowing the jokes Sirius and Remus would have.

"The lot of you alive" Harry asked as he got into bed 'yes, we've got most of them, mainly running into space junk at this point but we know theirs a couple left, at least. Maybe another 9 hours" Terry replied "okay, once you're done tell me so I can pick you up, after that the rest of the day will be spent resting, eating proper food and getting used to earth's gravity again, until then I'm going to sleep, be safe guys" Harry said before cutting the connection for now, his head barely hit the pillow before he passed out.


Until next time my pups

• Mischief Managed•

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