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"your a master Oculems?" Neville asked, changing the subject " yes" harry said with a shrug, "It's not possible to be a master oculems at this age, how are you? And don't give me that rubbish, your fan club may by it but I won't " Morag demanded " I'm not going to give you any Rubbish, The dark lord, who is accomplish in both mind arts believes he passed me at least some of the knowledge during the attack, and yes I'm admitting to being a Legemens " Harry said. The group froze for a moment, the slytherins knew he was in good relations with the dark lord but hadn't known he would receive any gifts, for the rest they had suspected that they were on good terms but hadn't proved it till now, " Is that how you g-" li started before choking slightly " Did you have to cast that spell on us? " Li complained " It was a safety measure, There was a couple of people at the table I did not trust, especially with Dumbledore present " Harry said defensively,  " You really don't trust the old man, do you potter? " Morag said in slight wonder " he has alot to hide" Lillian Muttered.

" What is it now? " Hermione asked, she had long since accepted that there might still be somethings her friend hadn't told them,  "yes potter, do share with the class" Morag said, "Mione, remember how you had been complaining about my use of multiple languages?" Harry asked, "Yes" Hermione said, confused on how this was connected to her friends secret. Anthony pulled out his dad's book, opening it to a certain page before handing the book over to the group "what language is this?" He asked, curious if any of them would have even a clue as to what it was "it's fancy squiggles" Hermione said with a frown, Neville, Tracey and Millicent hovering behind her to have a better look. "I've seen this before, one of the nurses in st.mungos used to write like this until he died, no one's ever been able to decipher it" Neville said, his hand slightly shaky, "this is an actual language?" Hermione asked slightly surprised "It's Parseltounge, Language of the snakes, I can speak it" Harry said as he subconsciously removed the spell on the three. " I heard a rumor " Millicent stuttered, being the first, not in the know to get over her shock " A rumor that the new dark Lord, Asmodeus, can speak Parseltounge " She continued, staring at the green eyed raven, hades smirked slightly " It's you" She said, slightly fearful "I told you" Lillian said with a huff, even after the incident on the train, none of her friends believed her about Harry being Asmodeus.

Tracey squeaked, her pale skin turning paler, Morag looked terrified, this was the infamous Dark Lord Asmodeus standing in front of them, "My head hearts" Hermione complained, rubbing her temples as she took in the information she just learned about her friend. Harry sighed slightly before standing up, collecting the brooms "I need to look up a couple of spells in the library, I don't believe I need to warn you about keeping this to yourselves" Harry said, his cold glowing green eyes boring down on them, warning them of the consequences should they tell anyone, the group nodded, none of them had a death wish, " do either of you want to join me? " Harry asked, looking towards his children " I will, I got this spell idea, but I don't know if anything like it exist yet" Anthony said as he stood up, " I think I'll stay here for a bit longer " Luna said softly, Harry nodded and the two made there way up to the castle. Harry banged his head against the table as he sighed,  he cursed the fates once again, only they would be cruel enough to gather the perfect group of people for him to bare almost all of his secrets to, only three people in that group don't know of his previous life, and that won't remind secret as he never put any safety precautions on them, they only secret he has successfully managed to keep is the relationship between him and his children and that Anthony's a werewolf.

"it'll be ok dad, we'll get through it" Anthony reassured before grabbing the necessary books they needed, Harry nodded, grabbing the closest book, he had people to save and a short amount of time to do it, he'll curse his luck in life later.


Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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