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Harry entered one of the abandoned classrooms, warding the room against all living beings before releasing apart of his death's magic, calling all of the ghost to him, Myrtle, The bloody Baron, Sir Nicholas, The grey lady, The fat friar, Peeves, and Professor Binns showed up. "I know you can sense death on me, I'm his Master and mate, you can come to me privately should there be a problem but no one is allowed to know what I am, should you ever wish to go to the underworld, tell me and I'll help" Harry said, using his magic to enforce his demand of silence, "Yes, My lord" the ghost agreed before leaving.

Harry didn't like that Sirius had to wait longer in Azkaban because he wasn't in Slytherin, but his godfather had already been stuck their for ten years, another few months wouldn't cause much harm. The only other thing Harry debated over was Quirrell, he and Anubis had many talks over him, while it was true they shared multiple ideas, he honestly didn't think Voldemort would agree to an alliance, it was likely he would demand Harry's subservience, which harry and Anubis both agreed that harry would rather die again then grant, nevermind that harry had no clue how to breach the subject with the dark lord.

Harry felt unusually jumpy when he woke up on Halloween, when he thought about it, it wasn't that unusual considering past halloweens. Halloween was a cursed day for him, His parents death, The Troll, The basilisk, Sirius breaking in, The tournament, the cycle didn't break when he reached adulthood either, a criminal excaping captivity, the start of the Mundane war, a lost loved one from said war, the Hogwarts massacre, His death. Even with his past knowledge, harry didn't know how this Halloween would go, ron had become friends with Dean and Seamus and they certainly didn't like Hermione but she had a friend in Neville and Harry, more importantly, Hermione was less obnoxious about her knowledge then last time.

Harry was very much not looking forward to the day but got out of bed and changed anyway, before moving down to the common room to wait for Li and Terry both of whom wishing to sleep in a bit more. When the two finally joined him, they walked to the great hall, both terry and Li occasionally shooting him worried looks, he knew he was quieter then usual but he couldn't help it. The day was as dull and boring as ever but harry made sure to keep an eye on Hermione , but Hermione never ran off crying because of something ron said , and harry relaxed a bit. Sure there would still be a troll running around but the teachers could deal with that and snape was more then capable of heading off Quirrell 'thats an idea' harry mused, snake face wanted the stone and harry knew how to get it, perhaps he could get the stone and use it as a bargaining chip with Voldemort for either an alliance or a promise not to kill him, he'd have to decide later.

He'd have to wait till after Christmas as it would be easier with his invisibility cloak and Dumbledore will have to place it in the mirror first, his patience was only going to last so long however. Everything went as he remembered it, moments after the food arrived Quirrell ran in shouting about a troll before fainting, harry scanned over the tables finding all of his friends but one Lilian was missing. Harry quickly made his way over to Morag "Where's Lilian Moon" he demanded both girls sneered at him while milicent placed a hand on his shoulder "She had detention with filch for bringing mud in after Herbology a few days ago, he made it today just so she'd miss the feast" she explained "Bloody squib" he muttered than shot a thankful look at milicent before leaving with the ravenclaws.

A quick point me showed Lilian in the trophy room, another point me showed the troll heading for the trophy room "Fuck" he swore before quickening his pace. He entered the room to see Lilian humming to herself while polishing a trophy "Lilian" he hissed causing her to look over and blink "Harry?" She asked not bothering to keep her voice down "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the Feast?" She continued. Harry shook his head "They sent us to our common rooms because there's a troll loose in the castle. Come on." Harry urged, "A troll?" Lillian repeated , gently replacing the trophy in its case and tossing her cleaning rag into the bucket at her feet. Harry paled as the troll lumbered into the other doorway, looking dumb and angry, It spotted Lillian, who was only just starting to move towards Harry, and its eyes lit at the sight of food, 'Shit, what spells take down a troll?' 'None that a first year should have even read about ' 'Super speed?, Super strength, Do trolls have souls WAIT!' harry turned back to the troll lumbering towards them.

Harry felt like jumping for joy as the troll moaned while crouching down subsequently knocking itself out with the club, turns out trolls can feel terror. Lillian turned around at hearing the moan "T-Troll" she stammered out, falling to her knees "oh merlin, Oh dear merlin" she whispered, harry hurried forward and knelt in front of her "Hey it's ok, it gone and knocked itself out, silly troll" Harry said getting a laugh from Lillian "Yeah I guess it did" She giggled. The sound of running feet could be heard just before the door opened to reveal Quirrell, Snape and McGonagall, like last time Quirrell whimpered at the sight of the troll before sitting down, however snape and McGonagall looked ready to kill. "What are you to doing here?!, You both should be in your dormitories!" McGonagall demanded, Lilian still in shock was in no condition to answer, "Mr.Filch had her here for detention, so she wasn't at the feast, she wouldn't have known about the warning so I thought to get her and bring her back to the ravenclaw common room, I didn't know she was missing till after all the teachers left so I couldn't warn any if you" Harry stated
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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