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Harry gasped as he shot up into a standing position "where am I? Did I apparate? Why is there a train?"  He thought as he rubbed his chest, the pain lingering from the wound "finally, your awake master" a worried and irritated voice said breaking harry from his thoughts, though he thought he heard longing as well. Looking to where the voice came from, harry saw a cloaked figure a few feet away "Where am I and why did you call me master?" Harry asked confused,  "your in the in-between or as the humans call it Purgatory. I called you Master, as you died the master of death and are a descendant of the Peverel family " Death explained, leaving out a few details. "Since you're my master, there's a few choices for you. You can go back to your very short life as the last magical alive, You can stay with me in the underworld as My uh... um... Helper or you can redo your life" Death continued starting to fidget as he explained the second option, suddenly finding the floor very interesting .

Harry's eyes narrowed as he took in the deities behavior, he was definitely hiding something and harry was going to figure out what it is. "Well going back to mortal hell is a definite no" Harry said "I wouldn't choose that one either" death agreed starting to get slightly nervous and fidgety "What is it? You are hiding something from me, I can tell" harry demanded causing death to wince before changing into a more human figure.

 "Well going back to mortal hell is a definite no" Harry said "I wouldn't choose that one either" death agreed starting to get slightly nervous and fidgety "What is it? You are hiding something from me, I can tell" harry demanded causing death to ...

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"There's more to it then you just being the master of death, I handed the hallows to the three brothers in hopes that one day the person perfect for me would gain all three, only someone who would not abuse the powers of the hallows got to keep them. For lack of a better word your my mate, my dominant " death explained blushing slightly while looking anywhere but at Harry. Harry's face softened before moving closer to him "what do I call you, I'm not just going to call my mate death" he said smiling as death's head snapped towards him, so many emotions swirling with in his blue eyes as a soft smile appared on his face "Anubis" he whispered, "are there going to be any negative effects once this earth dies?" Harry asked looking hia mate in the eye "I'd be weakend with no one left to reap, there are other universes but since I've spent so long in this one it will take a toll on me " Anubis explained not truly understanding why his mate asked, "Then I know my choice, will I be able to see you if I redo my life?" Harry asked wanting to be sure as he could already feel the bond taking it's affect.

"I can't change time so you'd be going to an alternative universe so yes you'd be able to see me, just say my name and I'd appear " Anubis said before an idea entered his mind causing his eyes to light up in excitement and mischief "I want to give you something, the powers of a dementor, I get their souls and you gain all of the knowledge that person knew, for instance if you sucked the soul of someone who knows space travel you'll learn everything about space travel. Of course you'd have complete control over the gift, oh and the gifts, and abilities of vampires, also you can't die unless you want to, in which case you'll come to the underworld with me " Anubis said excitedly "alright baby, quick question how many people did I take out during the war?" Harry asked genuinely curious "50,479" Anubis said in an awed tone "how many will die once the world does?" Harry asked next "9,521" Anubis said automatically "how does the 60,000 souls sound As a gift for the dementor abilities" Harry said.

"A lovely gift" Anubis said, his eyes shining with happiness "what will you do about the muggles?" Anubis asked, Hating the mortals for the genocide they committed, he may be death but he didn't want all of those people especially kids, way before there time. "Kill as many as I can, and ensure my people's survival " Harry replied, anger and resentment growing as he thought about them, he growled as images of Teddy's mutilated body and the destruction of Hogwarts played in his mind. "Will you kill the vampires? I can't interact much in the mortal world, they escaped death and keep their souls on either when they should be mine" Anubis said with a pout "I'll get rid of them baby boy, don't worry" harry said, a smirk growing on his face, knowing the effect he has on his mate. "Everyone has one animagus form per life, since this is your second life you'll gain a second one which is a..... Wolf" anubis said after performing a spell on harry "well, it's more discreet then my bear animagus form" he replied with a grin

 Wolf" anubis said after performing a spell on harry "well, it's more discreet then my bear animagus form" he replied with a grin

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"That train will take you to your next life" Anubis pointed to the train, harry nodded before pulling his mate into a kiss "I'll call you as soon as I can" he promised before boarding the train, taking a seat he felt an overwhelming urge to fall a...

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"That train will take you to your next life" Anubis pointed to the train, harry nodded before pulling his mate into a kiss "I'll call you as soon as I can" he promised before boarding the train, taking a seat he felt an overwhelming urge to fall asleep, waking up to sensation of someone carrying him, before a door slammed and a spell was whispered. The person carrying him placed him in his crib and he came face to face with his mother, his breath caught as he made grabby hands to the woman "Mama" he said gaining his mother's attention "Don't worry bambi, I won't allow him to harm you" lily Potter promised, harry felt so many emotions bubbling to the surface "Me and daddy love you so much Sweetheart" she continued "Wuv chu to mama" he said needing for her to know how much he loved her. He watched helplessly as the scene played out as it always had, he allowed a tear to fall as he watched his mother fall before looking at the dark lord "Avada Kedavera" Voldemort cast, harry smiled as the spell hit before rebounding, before he passed out he felt the soul piece latch onto him, the once hollow feeling that he has come to ignore vanishing completely 'Im never letting you leave again, I'll protect you'  he mentally told the soul shard unaware that was the first thing he changed, unaware that in saying that he accepted the shard as part of himself, unaware that the shard merged with his soul forever binding that piece to the boy, unaware that the lighting bolt that he always had faded until it was barely noticeable, he was unaware of these changes or the many to come in the future as he passed out from the Magical backlash.
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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