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Shouts and the sound of running down the hall clued the two dark lords into how much time had passed while they talked, Lucius and barty ran into the room, bowing as they caught there breath "what is it" Voldemort demanded even though he had a good feeling what, "there's been an explosion in London my lords and it wasn't done by us" Barty said once he caught his breath. "It's the Mundanes, lucius" Asmodeus said as he looked expectantly at the blonde "Narcissa convinced Andromeda to go to diagon 10 minutes before the explosion, she should have been out of the house by the time but I haven't heard back from my wife yet" Lucius explained "Andy most likely ran back to her home to see, we'll have to wait and see, my thanks lucius" Asmodeus said. " Barty get jenkins and then wait for Narcissa, Lucius I need you in the ministry twisting this to our benefit, the attack was done by mundanes, likely using a mixture of gas and a pipe bomb, don't worry about the meaning just make it sound good " Voldemort ordered " yes my lord" both bowed before leaving.

" Who's Jenkins? " harry asked about the unfamiliar name " A mudblood but he married a pureblood and has a hate for Mundanes aswell " Voldemort explained before a man entered the room and bowed " my lords". " Jenkins, we need to put the right spin on this before attack preferably before the Mundane ministry releases a statement, you live in London correct?" Asmodeus asked " yes, my lord. I was home during the explosion " Jenkins explained " excellent, Set up a meeting with Rita Skeeter, knowing her she's digging everywhere for some one to talk. You going to her will make her estatic, mix your own knowledge and what we've been able to gather to make it sound good " Asmodeus said getting a nod from Jenkins. " The explosion was caused by gas, that I'm certain of, but it's extremely doubtful that it was natural, the gas line is off to the side in that region however the sewer line runs directly through the center, It's possible to block a portion off, fill it with gas and then something simple like a pipe bomb could be used to set it off" Asmodeus continued.

" I'll be able to create a believable story from that my lords, but how am I expected to keep Skeeter from taking the story and adding ger own flair to it? " Jenkins asked " ms. Skeeter is an unregistered beetle animagus, if she doesn't want pictures of her animagus form sent to the ministry she'll stick to the story" Voldemort said with a smirk. Jenkins nodded and left while Asmodeus stood up " go wait for news of your blood traitor in the receiving room, if nothing else you'll hopefully manage to calm the idiots" Voldemort said, Asmodeus rolled his eyes as he left the meeting room.

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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