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The group groaned as they landed in various parts of his room "hi" Luna said, before resuming in eating whatever was in her bowl "hi Luna" The group waved tiredly from their spots on the floor, "this is the first time I've landed on the floor in years" Tracey groaned as, both her and Millicent helped each other up "it's probably because of all that's happened" Harry said, having been the only one to land on his feet, with Li secure in his arms. "Welcome to Malfoy manor, this will be our stay while the rest of you recover, further down from my door is rooms for each of you, enter the ones that have x's on them" Asmodeus instructed, handing each of them, the set of potions they need to take, "thanks Harry" the group mumbled, shuffling out of the room as each of them went to their rooms for the night. "Did you eat before you left? " Luna asked, pinning her dad with a stare that dared him to lie to her and face the consequences "no honey, I'll get something to eat before I go show the samples to tom" Asmodeus said, appeasing his daughter. "dobby" Asmodeus called, "what can dobby do for the great and all knowing Lord Asmodeus" Dobby asked excitedly, Asmodeus sighed while Luna giggled, "I would like one sandwich dobby, Just one, and could you fill up a canister with tea for me please" Asmodeus asked, making sure the elf understood he only wanted one sandwich.

"We should only be gone a few hours at most" Asmodeus said as he grabbed all of the samples from both his and Luna's bags,  "here is the most Powerful Lord asmodeus lunch" Dobby said, holding a sandwich that was as tall as his face, and what asmodeus assumed was the biggest canister they had "Sometimes I think Lucius doesn't like you because your more Slytherin then him" Asmodeus grumbled, putting the canister in an expandable pocket before grabbing the monsterous sandwich , he dropped a kiss on top of Luna's head before making his way to Tom's room. "Particularly hungry today? " tom asked stopping what he was doing as he eyed the monster sandwich,  "Dobby is determined to fatten me up regardless of what I say" Asmodeus said dryly, placing the samples on the table before trying to take another bite out of the sandwich. Asmodeus put his sandwich done and the two dark Lords recorded all of the elements and compounds of their samples. "These are missing three elements" Asmodeus observed, looking between the moon list and a list they made from testing earth soil "Potassium, Sodium and Zinc" Tom said, nodding in agreement, "let's change three of these into one of the ones we're missing" Asmodeus suggested.

The pair stared at the samples in shock, changing just three of the rocks transformed their entire collection,  "maybe the old wife's tale isn't a myth" Asmodeus said, looking over the samples "that begs the question, how much stronger would the rune stone now be" Tom asked "from the looks of it, 10 times stronger, and now we won't have to worry about the rune stone breaking, it'll just continue to recharge itself with the surrounding charge, not to mention it'll absorb the excess magical residue" Asmodeus said after thinking it through. "Alright, let's go" Tom said, putting the protective gear on before he held onto the port key Asmodeus had, this time all of the sound and lights zoomed past before with a bang everything went silent and dark, the two darks Lords landed on the moon with a slight bounce. Tom scowled as they set to work carving out a large stone block from the moon "Have the sheep noticed the activation yet? " Asmodeus asked as he carved the stone, "yesterday afternoon, the idiots took a while to notice a change, once they did, they couldn't find the other side" Tom said with a sneer "Tom, no sane wizard is going to power their spells to the moon" Asmodeus said exasperated.

Once the stone was fully carved, the two dark Lords set about carving the various runes into the stone, asmodeus his a smirk as he altered the gravity runes only slightly, he loved having a skip in his step.


Until next time my pups

• Mischief Managed•

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