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"Floos, that's the old system?! Everybody sending their children through the floo straight to Hogwarts or apparating there" Harry asked incredulously, he didn't even want to begin to think of how much of a headache that must of been before they switched to the train, nor what the injury and death tolls must have been like either.  " What about the mundane borns?" Anthony asked " the knight bus is going to be going to every house written down for a magical child and taking them to the ministry, st. Mungo's or the leaky cauldron, which ever is closest to them"Andromeda explained, it had surprisingly only took 2 hours to get everybody into gear and working on the system. "When are these three demons supposed to go" Remus asked irritatedly, he was definitely not a morning person "Harry is supposed to leave around 12:30 to 1, Luna is an hour after, and Anthony an hour after her" Andromeda explained, " Can't we go early? " Anthony asked, after yawning, all of them would very much like to nap for a few hours " Yeah, we live with a professor, can we? " Harry asked as well.

" You live with a Professor? " Sirius asked confused " Let me introduce you to Hogwarts newest defense against the dark arts Professor, Andromeda Tonks " Harry introduced in an announcer's voice," congratulations Andy" Remus congratulated while Sirius looked dumbfounded. " Please Andy, can we go early, we'll be on our best behavior and we'll mainly be sleeping in our dorms till the others arrive " Luna asked, wishing to sleep some more with her dad and mate before the others arrive and she'll have to wait Till next break." I don't know... " Andromeda trailed off, shaking her head slightly, Anthony and Harry shared a look before turning to Sirius and Remus with Evil smirks "oh for the love of Merlin, Andy please take the little demons with you" Remus begged, "their going to drive us over the edge and off the mountain" Sirius whined "what mountain?" Andromeda asked confused "the mountain of Sanity!" Remus and Sirius exclaimed.

Andromeda sighed, pinching the brink of her nose tiredly, " I didn't think you even knew the mountain existed siri" Anthony said with mock Surprise, " Takes one to know one, brats" Sirius retorted " I'll have you know that I'm the proud mayor of the valley of bonkers and they are proud residents " Harry said as he puffed up his chest, Andromeda just looked back and forth at the two groups in disbelief. " Why does that sound like more fun than the Mountain of Sanity? " Remus asked Sirius, " Because it is, there are no rules, and every Friday is a Valley wide orgy, Anubis loves to attend with us" Anthony said with a smirk " would you look at that, it's Friday " Luna said cheerfully. Andromeda groaned, she was definitely going to be paying a visit to The three Broomstix after Dinner, " Dear merlin, hurry up and get your trunks, I'll let you three go early if only to preserve my sanity " She said tiredly, " what about my sanity?! " Remus exclaimed " You lost your's the day you became friends with the devious Twosome " Andromeda said dryly.


" Ready to go then" Andromeda asked nonchalantly once the trio reentered the room, Luna giggled and nodded while Harry and Anthony stared, mouth agape, at Remus and Sirius both were hog tied and Gagged. " Why are my packmates tied up like lambs for the slaughter? " Harry asked while he failed to contain his laughter, " I'm thinking of giving Sirius to Snape as a peace offering and putting Remus in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom " Andromeda replied dryly causing both men to whimper.  " If you plan to do that, you might want to get them naked first " Anthony commented, a mischievous look in his eyes mirrored by the look in his father's eyes, "After all, Myrtle hasn't seen a male body and Sirius loves to impress possible lovers" Harry added, a thud rang out as both Sirius and Remus's head hit the floor as they fainted. Andromeda chuckled, "you two are brilliantly evil" she said with a shake of her head "we try" Anthony said before waving his wand over the two, Remus's hair turned Neon pink while Sirius's hair turned white, not white like Luna's or the Malfoys but white like the elderly, harry smirked before he waved his wand "No matter what they put on, it'll look like their only wearing a Thong, It'll last a week " Harry explained when everyone grew curious when nothing Obvious happened.

" Let's go " Luna said as she dragged the boys into the floo, throwing down powder they were whisked away, appearing in Dumbledore's office a moment later, "Andy let us arrive early" Harry explained to dumbledore, glancing at fawkes who was glaring at him, his feathers puffed up in a threatening manor "Not to worry dear boy" Dumbledore said reasurringly, looking at fawkes he carefully sent a warning blast of his death magic at the flaming bird, Fawkes eyes widen before he turned away from the Murder, he wouldn't attack him because he was his Creator's mate but that didn't mean he had to like the man, saying their goodbyes the trio trekked up to their dorm, the three of them collapsing ontop of Harry's magically enlarged bed, within minutes they were out like a light.


I'm bacckkkkkk!

After what felt like an eternity I'm finally back to being healthy, and I may even have a new book coming out soon

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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