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"that was slightly disturbing to witness and how do you know what a 2 day old mouse tastes like?" Voldemort asked "smaller animals and rodents survived the radiation fall out better than the bigger animals. You already sent all of the death eaters back?" Asmodeus responded looking around "yes, I'm curious about the explosion you intend to start" Voldemort replied while Chaos perked up in interest. Asmodeus smirked as he led the way to where the more dangerous experiments were done "basic knowledge of chemistry helps in determining where the explosion has the most chance of igniting " He explained as they got to the storage room, a quick surge of his magic took care of the key pad. "Grab my shoulder" Asmodeus said once they entered the storeroom, once he felt both hands, he carefully moved a few bottom to the edge and placed another bottle below, they apparated out just as the bottles started to fall. They reappeared on the hill watching as the explosion went off, "that was impressive" a familiar voice called causing the three wizards to whip around and Asmodeus was already kissing Anubis by the time Voldemort and chaos realized or suspected who it was.

"Happy Samhain, my love" Asmodeus said with a smile once he allowed his mate to pull away from him slightly "happy Samhain" Anubis returned as he turned to the others before narrowing his eyes at the dark lord. "I don't like your horcruxs, they upset the balance and they need to go" Anubis said causing the dark Lord's eyes to narrow in return "I'm not going to get rid of them" Voldemort responded "I'll allow you to keep the one in Him, the other's have to go. In return, you won't die until harry does and as he's immortal, you will be as well, I'll block any spells and potions that can kill you directly " Anubis said, smirking slightly at the look on Voldemort's face. "Fine" The dark lord said, it was more of a guarantee then what he currently had in terms of his mortality. Suddenly one irritated snake and 5 items appeared, anubis made a swish with his wand and all the pieces jumped back into Voldemort as his human form appeared and he fell into the fetal position, screaming.

$what isss wrong with Massster?$ Nagini asked as she slithered over to the two "I'll see you later love" Asmodeus said watching as he disappeared before moving closer to the unconscious form of Tom $death resssstored his ssssoul and he needsss time to heal$ harry returned $dont forget hisss treasssures$ nagini said. "Chaos go home, I'll be there later" Harry ordered as he summoned the trinkets into a pouch before shadowing away. Once tom was comfortably in bed with nagini with him, Asmodeus made it down to the hall where the death eaters were waiting, "Lord Voldemort is currently busy with other matters at the moment, I'll be debriefing you lot. Everything went to plan, good job, as I am sure, your all wobbling on your feet, so your dismissed" Asmodeus said before most of them left.

"Is my lord ok?" Barty asked concerned when it was only him, Lucius and Asmodeus, "we weren't aware of any business our lord had to attend to" Lucius added. Harry ignored Lucius shocked look as his form reversed to his child self "he'll be fine, we ran into a friend of mine and they didn't get along, he's resting right now" harry  replied "your thirteen " Lucius commented "and your over 39, so what?" Harry returned "he defies all explanation, he won't tell me why, save yourself a headache" barty helpfully added before Lucius could open his mouth "so I'm a headache now?" Harry asked amused "your often the cause of mine and you look like shit" barty commented "It's been a long day, now goodnight gentlemen" harry said as he shadowed back to remus's room.

Harry barely stepped into the room when Anthony nearly knocked him over as he rushed into his arms "woah, what's wrong Pup? Are you ok?" Harry asked his shaking pup "where's Mo-Luna?" Anthony asked instead "I'm right here pup" Anubis said as he appeared, looking at Anthony concerned "I heard about you getting hit by a spell" he murmured causing harry to sigh "I'm ok pup, it didn't even hurt, I'm ok pup" Harry said calming down his cub "I love you Dad and Mom" Anthony said causing a wide smile to appear on their faces "we love you too cub" they replied.

(Anthony still loves his mom and sees both of them as his moms)
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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