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"I was wondering when you would finally track me down, your to proud a bird for your own good" Harry muttered as he continued to work on his brooms, not even sparing a glance to the ruffled bird, glaring at him. Harry sighed, stopping once he finished the spell he was currently adding, he looked up, suppressing a shudder as he allowed Fawkes to create a mental connection in the outer reaches of his mind "Talk" Harry ordered 'how do you have the aura of my creator? You reek of death, murderer' fawkes demanded, all he remembered about the evil boy was the stench of death, of innocents murdered and strangely enough, his Creator's aura. 'dont assume to know everything bird, I do not have to explain myself to you either ' Harry hissed, while he could normally ignore the flaming bird's insults, he hated that the bird thought he killed Innocents, No one was innocent except children and there was barely any of them towards the end of the war. 'you do, if I think you're a threat to the children, dark lord, I will burn you' fawkes threatened, 'dont threatened me bird! " Harry glared, chilling the room around them, fawkes flinched, curling into himself to keep warn while he continued to glare at the murderer.

" Enough, the both of you, My love, I've seen you do alot of silly things but having a staring match with a Phoenix, really? " Anubis asked exasperated as he Shadowed into the Room of requirements, he had appeared to spend some time with his mate without their children only to see his mate arguing with Dumbledore's Phoenix. "Don't even think about killing my mate, Fawkes. I won't hesitate to put an end to your cycle" Anubis warned, he had forgotten that as his creations, they would only sense his aura, they wouldn't be able to tell Harry was his mate, "Your Mate kills helpless muggles" Fawkes chirped. " Helpless muggles?! When I died, they were a couple of weeks from killing the planet, they destroyed Hogwarts! I chose to come back to protect the students " Harry ranted, no matter how many years passed, that would always be a sore subject for him, Fawkes flapped back in shock before turning to Anubis " They are not as helpless as your companion thinks, they caused alot of irreversible damage" Anubis agreed, moving over to his mate and running a soothing hand through his hair.

"How does starting a war with the muggles save our planet?" Fawkes asked, "It doesn't, but it gets the rest of the magical to get their hide's in gear, last time we attacked to late, they were to advanced, this time we have a chance" Harry said "we can't kill them all, their kind of needed to add to our numbers" anubis pointed out. Harry sighed, his mate was right, even if him and Voldemort didn't truly wish to admit it " Luna mentioned living on the moon, I was going to bring it up with you the next time you had free and I still need to talk to Tom about it " Harry said, " Voldemort actually agreed to work with you?! I thought he'd have killed you on sight, nevermind that he doesn't share" fawkes said, genuinely surprised and shocked. "It took some work, but we reached an agreement and now work together" Harry said with a shrug " I'll leave you to your builds but I still don't like you" Fawkes said with a glare before flaming away, "the moon not that bad of an idea, it's still within my power and would solve alot of problems" Anubis agreed, Harry looked off in thought, the idea he began to formulate over the past few days, taking further root inside his mind and inspiring him.


Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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