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An hour later and Harry left the ministry in a satisfactory mood, now he just needed to take out a few of the Mundane Friendly Members and Arthur's bill won't pass, he only worried slightly that the members would be replaced but even in his time not many wanted to be apart of the wizengamot and he doubted things changed that much over the years, In any case he'd keep an eye on it when he could.

Harry smirked to himself as Dudley stumbled into the living room on the Morning on the 27th of July, His overweight cousin turned on the Tv before turning to sit on the couch only to freeze the moment he recognized harry sprawled out on the couch, with a book on Magical Chinese History propped on his lap. "Good morning Diddy-Dums" Harry greeted cheerfully "I thought I'd see for myself how comfortable this couch is, since you spend so much time on it, it's quite comfortable " Harry added, "Mum! He's in my seat" Dudley whined Petunia came into the living room, "Leave him be Sweet-tums, he'll be leaving in a hour " Petunia told her son. "We should have thrown a part, sort of a "Thank merlin we'll never see each other again" I might've been talked into making a cake , oh well it's too late now" harry said with a smirk as petunia tensed at the word merlin and gone white at the thought of harry baking anything, "Come along Diddy, I've made your favorite breakfast" Petunia said focusing on her son, leading them both back into the kitchen.

Harry chuckled to himself, he'd miss private drive, if only for the amusement factor, and hour later the door bell rang, harry glanced over his book watching petunia open the door before giving out a small shriek, harry knew immediately who it was "Your... Person's here" petunia said "My Godfather aunt petunia" Harry reminded her. "Yes your God... Father" she said with a grimace, Vernon had spent the past 6 days wondering if it was legal for "freaks" to have god-anythings when he thought harry was out of hearing range, harry thought about correcting his stupidity but decided he'd have to kill him to do that and he didn't think he'd be able to not throw up that man's soul, perhaps he'll be back next year with a weapon, he had planned to something terrible to the man on his thirteenth birthday after all.

Harry got up and walked to the door, before doubling over in hysteria as he took in the sight of his godfather in a mini dress and high heels, 5 minutes later harry was able to get his laughter under control "I can't believe they have shoes in your size" harry commented as he looked his godfather in his eyes, harry saw a glazed look before it disappeared, similar to what happened to hedwig 'Thank you Love, I'll reward you later' harry thought to his mate before steadying his godfather "We'll talk once we get home sirius" Harry said once it looked like Sirius was about to start rapid fire questions "All right Pup" Sirius agreed before leading him to his bike "I know I'm going to regret asking but do you have anything on underneath?" Harry asked , "Nope, I'm in true wizarding fashion " Sirius replied with his barking laugh before the two shot off down the street, ignoring every traffic law known to man as they zig zaged in between cars and other vehicles, they drove for ten more minutes which harry suspected would have taken a normal car an hour or two before they appeared in front of a cottage.

"What happened after I died?" Sirius asked once they both sat down harry sighed "After you fell through the veil, I chased Bellatrix into the atitorium, I made a failed attempt and crucioing her, Dumbledore showed up and battled Voldemort before he decided trying to pocess me was the best, he failed " harry started off "bloody bastard " Sirius growled. "The next year Dumbledore was killed by death eaters that made it into the school, that summer the ministry fell and death eaters envaded Hogwarts, me, Hermione and ron were on the run for the majority of the year, Remus had married Tonks and they had a son, my godson Teddy" harry willed himself not to cry something Sirius took note of. "We had the final battle at Hogwarts and we were victorious, Remus, Tonks, Fred and many others had died but we won. A few years later I married ginny and we had three beautiful children,  Teddy, James, Albus and Lily" harry said with a wishful smile on his face causing Sirius to smile as he ignored the pain in his heart about his husband dying.

Harry's eyes dulled "A few years after the battle of Hogwarts, all of the Mundane world leaders informed their people about the existence of magic, a couple of weeks after that the attacks started, they targeted children and anyone they suspected of magic" harry gritted out shocking sirius. "The first to die were Teddy and his Fiance Victorie Weasley, they had mutilated their bodies and did unforgivable things to victorie, andy died a few days later from heartbreak " Harry croaked out, Sirius heart broke as his anger rose, his cousin would die, his families ideals about muggles were starting to sound more appealing. "A year into the war most of our family died Hermione died in a peaceful protest, she believed we could coexist but they hadn't cared she was magical and needed to die, Arthur and percy were killed when a mundane bomb blew up the ministry, the wards stood no chance, everyone aside from me, Albus, Lily, Ron and Bill were killed in a bomb that took out diagon alley " Sirius choked on his saliva , he couldn't believe muggles could take out diagon but it was true, his godson lived through it and the heart break could not be faked.

"Ron and bill went on a raid and didn't return, 5 years into the war they set their bombs on Hogwarts killing Neville, Draco, Astoria, Narcissa, Lily, and so many others in the process " Sirius eyes bulged as an ache took root in his chest, Hogwarts had been his home as it had been for many other students, Hogwarts was where he met his brother and his husband, he couldn't believe it was gone "Scorpio, Draco's son had taken to living with us and was Albus's boyfriend, A few weeks later while I was on an attack mission, mundanes had surrounded the cottage and burned Albus and Scorpio, they had been sleeping at the time and didn't know until it was to late" harry whispered letting a few tears fall, Sirius moved over and hugged his godson. "A year later I was killed, woke up in Purgatory, met death found out I had collected the hollows and became the master of death" harry continued wondering how to tell his godfather the rest.
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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