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Harry groaned, he didn't want to leave Anubis so soon, but he knew Dumbledore was waiting in the room with the mirror "Be quick" Anubis said , harry smiled kissing the top of his mates head before snapping his clothes on, changing back to his younger body before pulling the cloak over his head and making his way to the room. Harry was a little worried with what he would see in the mirror, after all he had it all, his dream job, a wife and kids, peace, only to lose it all, now here he was, redoing his life in order to save his people from a fate not yet realized, what was his deepest desire?. When he entered the room, he stopped just before the mirror's range, taking a deep breath and steeling his nerves, he pulled the cloak off and stepped forward, his eyes widen slightly before he stepped closer, all of his friends and family from his old life were playing together on the lawn of Hogwarts, laughing, they looked so Relaxed and carefree, the mirror shimmered a little before a visibly pregnant Anubis could be seen holding a baby girl while an older harry held a baby boy.

Harry relaxed, His most heartfelt desire was Not only for his friends and family to be happy but also to start a new family with Anubis. Harry reached out touching the figures of Teddy, Albus, James, Lily and Scorpius, his children, yes even Scorpius, "I miss you" he whispered, his voice catching as he tried to keep a hold on his emotions "I'll never forget you" He continued . In the corner, Dumbledore vaguely wondered who harry was seeing in the mirror, who was it that had died to cause such an emotional reaction from the boy? A childhood friend perhaps? Albus was relieved the boy knew love, for what else would bring such a painful quality to a child's voice. He was happy that leaving harry with the dursleys didn't turn him into another Tom Riddle, the world may not survive two of them, harry left the room and shadowed up to the dorm once he knew for certain Dumbledore wasn't near, he wasted no time in getting into the bed and yanking Anubis too him, needing the love and support of his mate right now.

Harry waited till Dumbledore moved the mirror, he wasn't going to get the stone until Dumbledore was out of the castle, Incase he could sense an attempt. If this life thought him anything, it was patience and with Pettigrew on his way to the ministry, Dumbledore will be leaving very soon. The night came when he didn't see the headmaster at the returning feast, once he was back in his dorm he checked the map, confirming that the headmaster was out. Once his roommates fell asleep he locked the curtains around his bed and shadowed to the mirror room, he scowled as the torch lit up, the moment he appeared, effectively ridding the room of shadows. The image changed to his family and friends, He took a deep breath and closed his eyes and focused on the need to protect, not necessarily protect the stone , just the need to protect something, to protect the future, to protect anubis. The magic in the room surged as harry held his hand out, something settled in his hand, harry smiled as he opened his eyes seeing the stone, He did it.

He made it into the potion room before laying under the table and shadowed back to his dorm, the stone was placed in the secrure compartment with his cloak and the map, he laid in bed feeling quite accomplished with himself.

"You guys go on ahead, I have to ask Professor Quirrell something" Harry said looking at Terry, Li and Anthony, all three hesitated "We can wait for you" Anthony said "No it's ok, save me a seat , it'll be quick" harry assured making them finally leave. "W-WH-What do you w-want P-Po- Potter?" Quirrell asked once they were alone in the classroom, harry waved his hand and silently casted a silencing charm on the door, then glanced at the professor "I'd like to speak to your Master, I have a business proposition for him" Harry said. Quirrell let out a nervous laugh and paled slightly"M-My M-Ma-Master?" He repeated faintly, harry smiled coldly "The one on the back of your head, I believe he answers to Lord Voldemort?" He replied, Quirrell opened his mouth likely to stutter out another excuse when a high pitched voice spoke from under the turban "You know of me boy?".

Harry picked at one of his nails completely unconcerned "Of course I know of you, Everytime Quirrell turns around my scar burns" which granted was a lie because he had already accepted the piece and it wouldn't harm it's host, "I was confused by the strange phenomenon but eventually I pieced it together" harry continued. Voldemort let out a cackle making Quirrell cringe, "How very Ravenclaw" The dark lord commented "Quirrell let me see him" he ordered "Master.." Quirrell tried only to be interrupted "Now Quirrell!" Voldemort ordered. Harry glanced up from his nails as the professor unraveled the turban before awkwardly sitting backwards in a chair, harry looked at the dark lord, "Harry Potter" Voldemort hissed a dark smile coming on to his face "Lord Voldemort" he replied Neutrally "You don't fear me, why is that?" Voldemort asked. Harry raised an Eyebrow "Your a parasite on the back of my professor's head, in any case, the sheild that formed around me thanks to my mother's sacrifice is still in effect, you could probably curse me but if you tried touching me your host's body will be burnt to ash and you'll go back to being a wraith" Harry replied .

Voldemort narrowed his eyes at the smirking boy before finally replying "you mentioned a business proposition?", Harry shrugged "You promise not to kill me while I attend Hogwarts, I hand over the philosophers stone". Quirrell choked "What makes you think I want that worthless stone?" Voldemort hissed, harry only smirked in response, Quirrell whimpered causing Voldemort to hiss "you're giving me away , you useless fool!". Harry stood from his chair and Voldemort's attention was immediately back on him as he picked up his school bag, "Let me know when you're ready to agree to the deal, I've got all year." He said, Voldemort let out an angry hiss "Sit back down, boy!" Harry glanced over his shoulder "Oh, are you done trying to play with me now? Because if you're not going to agree to my terms, you won't get the Stone." He stated unconcerned.

"Do you think I'm stupid enough to believe a mere boy has access to the stone? We both know it's down the forbidden corridor, don't you dare-" Voldemort's angry triade died off as harry placed the stone on the desk next to him. "Don't mistake me for some clueless child Lord Voldemort, such mistakes will only lead to your downfall, I wouldn't bother coming here if I didn't already have the thing I wish to trade. Do we have an accord? " Harry stated. "And if we don't?" Harry knew that he had won, tom was just stalling now "Then I suppose I'll just sell it to the highest bidder, people would pay anything for a philosophers stone, Evan their souls " he said smiling coldly, eyes flashing with power. A shiver went down Quirrell's back as the temperature in the room dropped several degrees, The Dark Lord narrowed his eyes at the eerie boy at the back of the room. "We have an accord," he ground out, knowing he had no choice, Magic snapped in the room, binding them both to their word. Voldemort's eyes widened, having not expected that to have been a binding contract, but Harry just stepped forward and set the Stone on the desk "You didn't honestly think I'd let you get away with a verbal promise, did you?" Harry said as he left the room. Voldemort was left staring greedily at the stone, the boy won this round but that just meant he had 7 years to plan the boy's death, and maybe he could get harry unenrolled before then, it shouldn't be that hard.
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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