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"You know for all the times dad leaves, this is the first time we're sneaking out of school " Anthony whispered as they made their way outside of the castle "I know, you should take us with you more often" Luna said  "I'll think about it sweetie, but remember we have to act like innocent students starting tomorrow until they no longer have interest in the stone" Harry warned as he opened the gate, having his cubs go first before he went, casting a spell to keep the gate open. He wished he could just shadow everyone from the village to the castle and back to, but the shadows faced the wrong way around the gate making it impossible to shadow inside, never mind the fact Both barty and Tom had to be invited into the castle so that the wards wouldn't push them out. "That's big" Anthony said in shocked disbelief as he caught sight of the large ward stone Tom carved, "why does it have to be that big? " barty asked again, he knew his Lord could carve runes into almost anything, so it confused him for the ward stone to be so big instead of the size of a rock.

"So people will notice it barty" Harry replied, catching the attention of the awaiting group, Tom and Voldemort shot him irritated looks while Asmodeus had an amused smirk on his face. "Why didn't you do that sooner" Tom demanded, looking at the smirking dark Lord, "because it would not have been amusing for him, he finds it fun to watch us get progressively more irritated because we also get more murderous" Voldemort said drily, having already dealt with the antics of his partner once tonight. "It is pretty entertaining" Harry added with a nod, Voldemort looked at him exasperated while Tom shot him an irritated look, "do you know how unnerving and strange it is to see four of you at once" barty asked Harry, he didn't like having two versions of his insane Lords, Merlin only knew the headache the younger Lord could cause on his own. "Yes, it would be funny to show up to a death eater meeting like this, they'll slowly become incoherent messes, tripping over their words" Harry said with a smirk, Asmodeus made an amused noise, that would be hilarious,  "Anyway, Barty you already know them, Lucius this is Anthony, My son and Luna  My daughter, his girlfriend" Harry introduced, "kids you both know Tom and Voldemort or Voldemort and-" "Don't do that again" Voldemort warned, he had to deal with that annoyance once, he wasn't putting his other self through that.

"It's good to meet you Lord Snake face" Anthony said, greeting Voldemort " Nice to meet you, Tomalongadingdong" Luna said, shaking Tom's hand, Tom choked staring at the girl in front of him Voldemort sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he reminded himself that he couldn't hurt either child. "Have I told you both that I love you recently" Harry asked once he managed to catch his breath, "once or twice" Anthony commented, "We should start now" Luna said absently, "Right, I'll go North, Harry South, Tom East and Voldemort West" Asmodeus said, the three of them left heading towards their assigned direction. Voldemort looked towards the four remaining "Barty here, Lucius here and Lovegood and here" Voldemort directed, Anthony stood back, he wasn't needed for the casting or the warding, he was mainly there to support his mate and ensure no one tried to stop them while they work. :$wardstone and West are in position$: Voldemort hissed, activating their parsel communication,:$South is secured$: :$North in position$: :$east is in position$: Tom, Harry and Asmodeus hissed, confirming their spots.


Harry sighed as he sat down, Asmodeus, Voldemort and Tom sat down around him while his children and Voldemort's minions sat a little further away, whispering to each other,  "I'm just a tad bit scared of what they could be talking about" Harry commented, looking towards the group warily, he wasn't worried about Lucius, it was the other three that concerned him, Barty by himself was insane, his children were just as bad and could come up with some really bizarre things. "Well Luna's over there, they are hopefully only talking about her creatures" Asmodeus added, he loved his children but sometimes they could be worse than the demon twins,  "Tomalongadingdong" Tom questioned with a grimace, "I could have aloud her to bestow you with pink flower crowns" Harry retored "Besides I may end up using it, it's catchy" Asmodeus added "don't you dare! " Tom and Voldemort demanded, glaring at their respective time period partners.


Until next time my pups

I finally finished moving, now it's on to unpacking, oh the joy

• Mischief Managed•

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