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The next mornings paper was truly a masterpiece, Jenkins had managed to twist it beautifully and Harry silently promised himself to award Jenkins the next time he sees him. The next two weeks were spent spending and replying to his friends, they knew Anthony and Harry lived somewhere in London and had been rightfully worried, lillian mainly wrote ger letters describing painful ways to kill the vile muggles. Once the cottage was finally down, Andromeda, Tonks, Harry and Anthony sped towards their rooms, there was only so much of the order and grimmuald place that they could take. The day after the guest rooms were packed with all of their friends including Lillian, Luna wormed her way into Anthony and Harry's room, preferring to be with her mate and Father instead, they only stayed a week however as Sirius was tired of fighting for the controller and begged the parents to take their kids back, only Luna remained as Xenophillius was in Africa for another expedition and Anthony was a permanent resident of the cottage now.

"You said Hogwarts would be taken out?" Tom asked one night, after a raid the two agreed on a relaxing game of chess that turned into a tournament, Harry lost more then he won but it was peaceful regardless. Harry frowned as he looked at the board "yes but it took them a couple of years after the start of the war , why do you asked?" Harry said, moving a pawn before looking up at Tom "I don't want to chance another hit" Tom admitted, Harry sighed as he sat back in his chair "there less developed now then they were then, however need creates what curiosity does not. They could advance faster, in order to reach us and destroy us " Harry said thoughtfully. " Their attacks are picking up, it's concerning " Tom said, After the first attack, four other" gas" explosions had taken out magical neighborhoods all over London, one of them had a six year old girl and her mother, another a two year old boy and his muggle born parents, Harry used his time turner and was able to save them, their homes were gone but they were safe at Peverel Manor.

"We talked briefly about creating a ward to protect important and historical places from damage but they had already taken out Hogwarts and there were so little of us left by that point, we didn't see the point " Harry said " do you think we could create a ward like that? " tom asked" I don't see why not, the anti mundane wards were good but they didn't hold up as well against their satellites and computers, the distance between the two rendered them useless. If we could perhaps extend the spell... " " Or create a repelling ward " tom added. Harry shook his head " that'll just bounce it off somewhere else, I'd rather they didn't send any at all" Harry said " is there a way to trick their satellites to avoid those spots? " Tom wondered" Maybe not avoid , but can't see. Mess the image up so it'll look the same on computer as it does in person, maybe tweak the wards a little to seem even more uninhabitable " harry said wide eyed

Sorry for the cliff hanger, the rest will be posted next time

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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