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The rest of summer was peaceful, the residents of the cottage enjoyed the peace and quiet, thanks to the charms that kept all video game noise in the living room. Terry made full use of the library, if it wasn't for harry insisting terry slept in his own bed and ate with the others, both Sirius and Harry had no doubt that terry would live in the library until school started. Thankfully, the duo had the foresight to put any Dark Arts books in a secret library in the study, neither wanted to explain them to terry and harry down right refused to obliviate his pack mate. Harry and Sirius had a bet currently going, how long will Voldemort and his death munchers will stay quiet, Sirius thought it would be until November, stating they needed time to heal and recover while Harry bet it would be Halloween or before due to Bellatrix not being able to stay calm and quiet for long.

Harry spent most of his time tending to his garden or lazing around, he had over 10 years of no relaxation to make up for after all, though he did still make dinner as Sirius would end up poisoning them and terry had no interest in learning how to cook. A week before his birthday, Terry and Harry went over to Li's to meet her family, of course, it was absolutely coincidental that Terry and Mei Lien, the cousin that had a crush on him, ended up in the same room together multiple times, Terry fleeing from the room made up for any promise of retribution he came up with. Harry and Anthony spent a few nights at Luna's house, the boys enjoyed the stories of the lovegood's adventures from Luna's father. The best part of their trip was getting to see the beautiful mural that was Luna's ceiling, harry was in the center with Anubis to his left, Anthony to his right, luna was slightly behind anubis while their various friends filled up the rest of the mural, as he hugged her tight, he silently swore to protect his fae like sister.


Harry's birthday was smaller then the year before, Hermione had been unable to make it but had sent her present through owl and Lillian called a day's truce with terry. The group spent the day in the Living room, teaching Lillian, Li and Neville how to play video games before they played Super Mario world and Street fighter 2, surprising them all Lillian ended up beating all of them at street fighter.


The same group as last time met up to get their school books, Anthony and Hermione would be staying with Harry as her parents both had appointments they couldn't reschedule and Anthony because Flora had an important job interview, she couldn't miss. Since they only needed to go to madam Malkin's and the book store, Sirius all but dragged his godson to Malkin's first, knowing how obsessed with books his Godson and his friends were, the other's joined him as the parents of said bookworms shot their children knowing looks. Once they entered Flourish and Blotts Hermione,Luna, Li and Harry disappeared into the shelves, leaving some of the adults wondering if they some how managed to apparate away.

"What's this? Who would have thought, a ravenclaw stacking up on books" Lucius commented "what can I do for you Mr.Malfoy? I doubt you just came here to see the shocking sight of a ravenclaw buying books" harry asked turning towards the blonde with a sarcastic smile. "How do you know I want something?" Lucius returned "if you didn't want something, you'd either be in Knockturn alley buying new cursed items or following draco around and buying him whatever he wanted like a good pureblood father. As such, you're doing neither, so I assume this has something to do with your house guest as we don't have much in common" Harry said "Considering we have my house guest in common, it's safe to say we have other things in common as well "well we are like fourth or fifth cousins and we are both Lords of old families, even if that title doesn't mean anything anymore. Please get to the point Lucius, my friends are going to come find me sooner or later and I don't wish for them to question me just yet " Harry said, ignoring the scowl that appeared on the blonde's face.

Lucius handed over a letter "he couldn't owl" harry muttered as he recognized Voldemort's handwriting, setting down his basket, he cast multiple detection charms, he only trusted Voldemort so much. "you seem to go through an alarming amount of wands for a student " Lucius commented "I keep finding one's that fit better, tell your lord I'll have a reply by tomorrow, good day Lucius " Harry said before pocketing the letter and leaving in search of his godfather.

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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