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The group looked up as 6 owls arrived, carrying 3 broom shaped packages "your ruining three firebolts!" Terry squeaked, staring forlornly at the brooms as harry stood up to grab them, "I'm not ruining anything" Harry said, rolling his eyes as he took one out of it's packaging, retaking his seat in-between Hermione and Luna. "I think I'm going to faint" Terry whimpered " why don't you die instead? We've been looking for you Lils" Morag said, stopping behind Lillian with Millicent and Tracey, " What are you doing to that firebolt Potter? " Tracey asked when she caught sight of him waving his wand over the broom. " Reminding myself of the spells on the brooms " Harry muttered distractedly, he was fairly certain he still remembered all of the spells but as that was a lifetime ago he wanted to refresh his knowledge on the broom's spellwork. "We're watching harry take apart a firebolt while boot is suffering from heart attacks, it's really fun if you wish to join us" Lillian said amused, "You're taking apart the spells on a firebolt! Are you insane?!?! " Tracey demanded, her voice an octive higher than usual.

" I thought it was obvious, he's as mad as a hatter " Morag commented, " But... It's a Firebolt. It's only the best broom on the market " Tracey whined, looking at morag wide eyed, "for another ten years, give or take, and besides, I can easily triple the speed on this thing" Harry said as he messed with the broom. "Liar" Tracey accused, Harry smirked while an unholy mischievous gleam appeared in his eye "if you think so, why don't we test it?" Harry asked with a smirk "test it how?" Tracey asked, her eyes narrowing on the smirking raven "Just a simple race around Hogwarts, unless your scared" Harry said, he was bating her, and just as he expected, she fell for it. " I don't have a firebolt to race on" Tracey argued, the group pointed to the other two packages " He got three of them, the other two are still in their packaging " Lillian said helpfully, " You're ruining three firebolts! " Tracey demanded, momentarily forgetting about the challenge " I swear I heard this before " Harry muttered while rolling his eyes, " Davis if your too scared just say s-" Harry started, hiding a smirk when he was interrupted " I'm not scared of some over egotistical halfblood " Tracey spat, stalking over to the packages and grabbing one of the brooms.

"Once around the castle, first back is the winner" harry said smiling sweetly, "Deal" Tracey said, glaring at him, "Should we get a professor?" Hermione wondered "Too late for that one" Anthony said with a grin, he couldn't wait to see his dad win, he had no doubt he'd beat the Slytherin. "Harry for my sake come back in one piece please" Hermione begged, gripping onto Terry's arm in a death grip "For you, I'll come back a winner" Harry said smiling at one of his oldest friends "Lils, give us a count down please" Tracey said, looking towards her friend "Fine but don't kill or maim each other" She warned. "On my mark... Go!" She said, quickly ducking as the two shot off,  " wanna bet on who's going to win? " Terry asked "Harry" all of them said, even Millicent and Morag agreed, "He's an evil, insane genius" Morag added "Harry is not evil" Hermione said adamently "you can not be that blind" morag snorted as they watched the two racers disappear behind the castle, harry was noticably ahead of tracey.

"He's not evil, his moral compass may be different then the normal 15 year old" Lillian said, shrugging at the disbelieving look morag shot her "You deserved that one" Lillian said with a shrug, " I did - , He doesn't care when we call them mudbloods, how was I suppose to know he was a mama's boy, it's not like he even remembers her " Morag said defensively. " Harry remembers His mum sacrificing himself for him, his only memory of her is her death" Neville said quietly " shit" morag winced, now she felt guilty, no matter what even she wouldn't wish that on anyone, " you deserved it" Millicent said. " What did you do? " Li asked " She implied that his mum was a mudblood and that he would cry on her grave because he didn't like morag calling her that" Millicent said, ignoring the slight betrayed look on morag's face.  "What did harry do in response?" Hermione asked "what do you think he did?" Morag spat, "he cursed you, mostly likey an illegal spell and definitely not a forth year spell" Hermione returned, considering the other gril for a moment.

"How did y..?" Morag trailed off, surprised she got it accurately "They can be remarkably observant these mudbloods" Lillian said drily, "Harry's good at playing as the light's golden boy, or the prophet likes to call him, But sometimes he acts just a little off, when he gets angry and I mean really angry, not that annoyance he gets when malfoy is a prat or when weasley gives him heart eyes, he is really scary, it's like he might actually kill you at that moment if you don't leave" Terry offered. " We've seen it twice, when one of the upper years made fun of Li's accent and when the death eaters attacked Luna, he may not of been angry at us but it's still scary even if he's protecting you. " Li said, " it's worse if you're on the receiving end, everything gets so cold , the world suddenly seems so hopeless and so sad, there's nothing you can do. There's no chance of being happy, everything is so bleak and lonely " Neville said, Morag nodded, shivering involuntarily as she remembered those cold, heartless eyes that had bored down on her as the pain increased, she didn't remember the cold but honestly aside from the pain she couldn't really focus on anything other than the cold, green eyes and knowing that without a doubt, he could have killed her at that moment and nothing she did would have stopped him, she hoped she never saw another boggart because without a doubt those eyes would appear.

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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