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Li, Millicent, Tracey, Terry, Luna and Harry

The entire Hall was buzzing with Curiosity and Excitement, all of them intently reading the daily prophet or discussing what was in the Daily Prophet, even Harry was a little surprised about the amount of interest in the ward stones, but then again it was rare for something interesting to happen without causing casualties as well.

Unknown WardStone in Hogsmeade!
By Martin Lawrence

Earlier this morning Aurors were summoned to the Town of Hogsmeade, why were they called you may ask? Well readers, when some of the occupants awoke to get ready for another Hogsmeade weekend from Hogwarts, the residents were shocked to discover a Warding Stone in the middle of the town. Immediately Specialists were called in, however everyone here at the Prophet, believes more will be by to have a look at the Stone. From what the specialists have discovered, they have found that most of the rune sequences were for protection, however one sequence is still inactive and has puzzled the group for the time being, however they assure everyone that it isn't bad. I shall keep you updated as we learn more.

Harry, Luna and Anthony, spent quite some time over the next week laughing as they recounted the arguments and theories that sprouted, all over the Castle, whether it was arguing over why Hogsmeade had wards when Hogwarts renowned wards were close, or trying to figure out who would go through the trouble. Those that knew of the order believed it was them, and those who didn't, thought of a group similar who placed the wards as protection from the dark Lord and his death eaters, others believed it was done by the dark Lord as a trap, meant to kill them all when they least expect it, that one caused the biggest laugh from the trio, Tom may still love killing but he loved Hogwarts more and wouldn't do anything to taint her, which meant no one died within the walls of Hogwarts.

~2 weeks later~

"Ya know, they finally stopped bringing up the stone yesterday, and here we are, about to add the last sequence to the Satellites, which is going to renew and even add more hype to the excitement " Tracey said as finished checking her outfit over "on the bright side, we'll miss the first two days of it" Millicent said helpfully as she checked herself over, all of them made sure everything was alright with their suits, they wouldn't, couldn't make any mistakes on this. "You'll be able to cover us missing? " li asked for the tenth time, biting her lip nervously as she thought over what could go wrong "Yes, it's also the weekend, it's a lot easier to leave the school and not be considered missing during the weekend then during the week" Hermione said,  calming the Raven claw, "Besides, we've got your golems in bed, we'll be fine Li" Anthony added, further assuring her. "Everyone have all of their food? Helmets good? Amulets on? " harry asked, getting nods from everyone, him and Tom estimated that it would take around 2-3 days to get all of the Sattilies in orbit, neither knew which one was specific for photo taking and decided to do all of them just to be safe, each person had enough food and potion to not only keep them feed the entire time but to also keep them awake, the helmets had built in spells to act as a communication link between each other, however once Luna and Harry got closer to the moon, they'd only be able to hear each other.

"Everyone remember about the solar flare alarm? " harry asked "yes, once it goes off, head straight for the earth's atmosphere, the protections won't be able to withstand it" Millicent said, parroting what harry had all but drilled into their head the past two weeks, "we'll be ok li, it's y'all I'm worried about" Harry said, knowing his friend well enough to know what was on her mind. "Alright, let's go" harry said, leading the way to the forbidden forest, the marauders map opened in Anthony's lap to ensure, his dad and pack made it without getting caught.


Until next time my pups

• Mischief Managed•

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