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Harry left the store with a frown, that had been a mildly disturbing meeting, but he knew Ollivander would keep his secret. With renewed interest harry entered the trunk shop next, browsing around till he found the perfect trunk, a 5 compartment trunk that came with nice protection wards

 With renewed interest harry entered the trunk shop next, browsing around till he found the perfect trunk, a 5 compartment trunk that came with nice protection wards

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He fully intended to add more protection spells of his own once he was home but these would do for now, the trunk also received the magic free shrinking charm, allowing him to tap the trunk and say whether he wanted it small or large

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He fully intended to add more protection spells of his own once he was home but these would do for now, the trunk also received the magic free shrinking charm, allowing him to tap the trunk and say whether he wanted it small or large. He glanced at the pet shop before freezing at seeing the familiar snowy owl, all but running into the store he made it to her cage only to laugh as hedwig hooted and nipped his finger 'happy birthday master, she has her memories' 'thank you Anubis'  harry replied happily before paying for her and allowing her to fly home. He entered Madam Malkin's next to get his Uniform and a few extra everyday robes as well , as he intended to wear mundane clothes as little as possible, though he preferred trousers than running around bare below the waist, he had no interest in spending his weekends looking like he was mundane raised.

Purebloods were going to be his biggest supporters and they were more likely to listen and take him seriously if he didn't look like the filth he wanted dead. After that harry quickly collected everything else he needed and a few expensive potion ingredients, snape didn't have in his stores, allong with a gold cauldron for potions he knew how to make. After quickly getting more money, harry entered the book store, the one store he forbade himself from entering till this moment, the Library had a limitless charm and expansion charm on it after all, but first before he forgot he collected all of his boring school books.

2 hours later, harry dragged the basket up to the desk and sat it down on the counter with an audible thump. "I may have broken the feather light charm" he said to the shopkeeper sheepishly, it had stopped being feather light 10 minutes ago which had been his cue to stop adding books, of course that hadn't stopped him from grabbing 10 more books and shoving some of them under his arms to hold on the way to the front. The shopkeeper eyed the basket warily before he started emptying it and totaling it "Ravenclaw?" He asked, "First year" he admitted sheepishly, grimacing at the surprised look on the shopkeepers face, "I'm mu-ggle raised" he explained nearly tripping over the words for those with no magic. "But most likely ravenclaw" he admitted, he had wondered about his house over the past few years, him and Anubis both speculating which of the 3 would he be sorted to, neither considered Hufflepuff as an option because he was only loyal to himself and Anubis, and while he could be hardworking, he usually preferred the easy way.

He had loved Gryffindor as a student but they both agreed he wouldn't fit in there anymore, not with everything he had seen and lived through, Anubis said slytherin was his best bet and while harry agreed he had no interest in making his world question how evil he was before he finished his first feast, and they both agreed they would as both him and Anubis knew how they thought. Ravenclaw however, with 5 years of soul sucking and enjoying the knowledge it gave him, taught harry the joys of learning new things, and Ravenclaw like Hufflepuff was a house in the middle, they were neither light or dark but more grey, it would be perfect, he just had to convince the hat. He paid for his books before placing them in his trunk and shrinking it , placing the truck in his pocket. He turned into knockturn alley with a faint smirk, there always seemed to be an abundance of vampires around and they were absolutely delicious, not to mention the money he made from selling their little collections on occasion. He'd be arriving at Hogwarts in a month, finally his plans could begin.

Vernon parked outside of king's cross turning to glare at harry as the boy took his time in getting out of the car. He didn't even have any apparent luggage as it was all inside his shrunken trunk, Truthfully harry was being slow to see if he could cause vernon an aneurysm, which would be an awesome thing to happen just before he boarded the train.  Harry ignored the people who looked at him oddly as he made it to platforms 9 & 10, once there he took a cursory glance around before leaning back through the wall and on to the other side. The Hogwarts train had ceased any excitement in harry by lily's final year but to see it again after having walked through the wreckage was amazing, he stopped for a moment and just smiled at the train, feeling a bit like he just came home, he wondered what seeing Hogwarts would be like.

A bump from behind reminded him he was still close to the barrier, he was lucky the next person coming through wasn't running. "Sorry about that" he said smiling as he turned around, "D-dont w-worry about it" Neville Longbottom stuttered as his gran came through. Harry's smile widened at seeing his god brother, "Completely my fault" he assured him, "I stopped and stared instead of continuing to walk, here, let me help you with your luggage."
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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