The Past

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When Brian got back from the country club and his few errands. he had a few bags that contained clothes for Stevie, Sofia, a few necessary school supplies for the boys and of course, a couple gifts for Samantha's friends and his sister as a peace offering for their whole situation.

As he made his way in the house, he noticed that the living room was absolutely spotless and clear of any possible debris---it was actually incredible, he had never seen the place so spotless, not since he and Samantha had moved in.

"Sam?" he called out, walking around slowly to take in every detail, even how she rearranged some of the decor.

Stevie wasn't the biggest fan of the decor in the house but she knew that when she was well enough, she would be shopping and buying new things; she definitely wanted new things but she was going to ask before making any decisions, of course.

Suddenly, the blonde made her way down the stairs and she was wearing a simple black, ribbed, midi dress that was long sleeve and semi low cut although she was wearing some white Vans as that was all she could really find that was simple enough for the day. On her hip, she carried the baby so effortlessly.

The man was slightly taken aback, she looked so much like his wife---it was stunning, but nevertheless, he thought the singer was gorgeous and he had hoped for the best from the situation.

"You know, I'm starting to wonder about this whole clothing situation..." she sighed, shaking her head. "I don't have a whole lot of options..."

"Yes, you took a lot of stuff with you when you went to Europe and you only really intended on coming back to check on things and then going back so a lot of your stuff got lost. You were also getting rid of a lot of things anyway..." he sighed. "We'll replace your things soon. I'm sure when Denise and Amanda come, they'll go shopping with you."

"Denise and Amanda?"

"Yeah, you're two close friends..." he assured. "Your best friends."

"Oh," she arched her brow. Then coming down the rest of the stairs, she re-positioned the baby on her other hip and she came closer to him.

"I got you these..." he claimed, handing over the clothing in her size.

He had decided to take a look at her things to make sure her size matched his wife's and it did match pretty well. The only thing that was off was their shoe sizes; Samantha was a seven and Stevie seemed to be a six so the day she moved in, he made the decision to get rid of the few pairs of Samantha's shoes that were left.

"I appreciate it," she took the bag. "I needed this so badly. I hate making you do all the work, but the idea of leaving the house so far really makes me anxious... I just don't know anybody."

"It's no trouble at all," he shrugged. "I'll do whatever I can to make you comfortable," he assured.

"I know it's a big ask as well. You're taking a lot of time out of your life to cater to me..."

"Really, it's nothing... But quite frankly, I wish I would have done the same for the boys. Brandon needs a break and Roman seriously just needs parental time... Since you've been gone, I've dropped the slack and I've not been the best father, trying to just work the woes away it seems."

"I'm really sorry things have been so difficult."

"Sam, it's really not your fault. Now, less than ever. A lot of unexpected things have happened and helping you restore yourself into whoever you would like to be, I think it's the best thing. We can start over if you feel like that is what we need to do, or what you'd like to do..."

"For now, I shouldn't say anything... I think maybe we should just slowly but surely ride this out, y'know? I believe what you tell me about our past, but at the same time I don't want to confuse the kids. Roman is really nice and so is Brandon but at the same time, it's like he doesn't trust me."

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