QnA #1

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Ok, so here is the first QnA!

From AlexanderJamesRice 

Question: What does Alico know that makes her want to Meet Anakin

Answer: Alico as of the current time, hears the voice of the Emperor, who told her to look for the man who walks the skies, as he has been reborn in this New Galaxy. 

From Malthric 

Question: How will the Imperium react to the Republic's tolerance to Xenos and C-3PO

Answer: Distrust and a weaker agreement with most non-human-like species (basically anything that has anything extra limbs, or anything that is extra.

Question: What are the changes in the story line

The Changes we are going to see are 3 main things.

1. The Inquisition War Arc will sadly be removed, as I want to make the Inquisition a larger impact in the over all story

2. No Eldar or Minor Story lines that were 1 chapter story

3. Anakin will be interacting with the Imperium much more, as the "Emperor Reborn" idea plays out further.

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