The Mentors of the Imperium

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Macullos looked at the world of Umbara, the dark world. His ships were over the planet, observing, as he contemplated what he could do with such a world. The People of the world were human, though they were more adapted to the darkness....a small variation on the human genome, maybe a new category of Nightsiders. It could be potentially valuable recruitment....or a training world.

The Space Marine, a proud son of Guilliman and the Ultra Marines. They followed every letter of the Codex Astartes, they knew of the importance of the Recruit, they knew the importance of training them properly. From what the tech priests could gather, Umbara was a harsh world, with just as many threats that were floral, as they were faunal. Macullos could see the value of the world.

He had also noted the fact that an element known as Doonium was rather plentiful on this world and it's moons. From his understanding, it was an important element for building star ships in this universe, it was the hulls of the ships, perhaps it was strong....he wondered, could he use it to create more armor and bolter would need to be discussed with his armorers.

He moved off the bridge of the Retribution Class Battleship, hat was known as the Codex of Guidance, a captured vessel from a Space Hulk that they had dealt with in their early days, the days of Indomitus. They had fought Pirates and captured the ship, making it their own, as the value of such a powerful ship could not be understated. 

Macullos would go deep into the main chapel, where the Chaplains were meeting. Entering, the chapter master looked to see the 11 chaplains. The Reclusiam would approach Macullos.

"Chapter Master. We with the Chaplains of the other chapters, and with those of the Imperial Cult. There are those who feel that we are not being lead by the Emperor, the true Emperor." he said.

"You believe the Living Saint was not brought from death to life by the power of the True Emperor?" Macullos asked.

"The power that is displayed has.....similarities to that of the Emperor, that is true, but...what we do not know is if he is the Emperor Reborn as the Saintly Prophet said, or is the Emperor that was from this......this universe." He stated

Macullos closed his eyes, he had no reason to continue this discussion.

"The semantics of if he is a being like the emperor or is the Emperor matters little, we are to be the hammer of the Imperium. Our battles will be decided by him, and the day will come, when the Astartes will be....not needed." He stated, pausing just for a second, at that wording.

"That is the day we all seek." the Reclusiam stated.


The Mentors of the Imperium, born from the Ultra Marines after the Reign of Blood, they were molded much like their founders, devotes of the Codex Astartes. They remembered their greatest victories....and their most humiliating defeats.

There was one, that they can never...truly let down, the pain of such a loss was too great.

M 40.491 Planet: Seravel Monsa

The war against an a traitor invasion, of the Black Legion Warband, the Chaos Prophets, was being held with difficulty. The Mentors were fighting and countering, however, they were also being countered. These Vile traitors were strong, but the Mentors were defending the valuable position of a great cathedral of the Emperor, a shrine in the wastes of this world.

The heretics assaulted, pushing the Mentor's third company into the cathedral, trapping them inside, and cutting them off from the rest of the chapter. Macullos, just a battle brother at the time, waited for the attack, the 50 battle brothers waited, listening as the sounds of battle waged around them. The doors were breached and the marines aimed, waiting to see who entered, when the Chaos Sorcerer was thrown into the room, body separated at the waist. Stepping inside of the holy site, was a space marine, with the pelt of a lion over the shoulders, they hefted a great sword onto their shoulder.

"You are welcome for the assistance. We heard the call, and had destroyed the Heretic's fleet. We now must just hunt them and kill the traitors." the marine voiced, sounding feminine.

"You are no Astartes." Macullos stated.

The pelt wearing figure looked towards Macullos, who pushed towards the front Mentor's group. The helmet was removed by the figure, before it showed a woman's face.

"Yes. The Mentors were saved by the Lions of Numidia, I am the Master of the Pride. If this is not an issue, come, we have traitors to kill." The woman said, stepping away. 

Macullos, was....angry. Why Was he angry? Was it because this.... this mortal who paraded as an astartes. He rushed forward, drawing his knife, preparing to strike her. Just as he got close, there is a strike, one that knocked the astartes to the ground, a painful strike by the blade's guard and knocking him onto his side.

Before he could stand, a blade was at his throat. He looked up, seeing the steel like gaze of the woman.

"An astartes who does not protect those they are raised from, are no better than those humans who lost their minds. They are beasts, to be put down." She stated in an angered tone.

She drew the blade away.

"To those who are not beasts are done hiding. The Lions are moving to encircle the enemy." She said, putting the helmet back on.

The memory of the event was.....strong in Macullos's mind. He was not a beast, he was a crafted angel of the Emperor, not a pretender in armor. That day was known, a mark on him, and on the chapter's honor. He was sent back to the scouts, and had to work back his way back to his position as a battle brother. He was now the Chapter Master, and he shook his head....the Lions...they were never ones who obeyed the codex, they were too focused on the attack, and little on the defense.

Macullos stood, realizing, he was going to need to end the rift....or....maybe he could become the mentor to them, and set them on the right path.

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