Guard Command

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Rex was looking at the leaders of the Regiments.

Commissar General Osweic of the Red Star Army.

Guard Commander Cullen of the Legion of Lansar.

Marshal Argulus, of the Legion of the Honored.

"Whiteclaw" Zelt of the Ghost Claw regiment.

Kasper Roist, Captain of the Elite Guard of the Holy League PDF army.

Lord General Militant Hereon the 8th, of the Hereonian Riders.

Commander Malondro, of the Ravalir Elite Scions.

Pre Vizsla, Castellan of the Mandalorian Airborne Elite.

They had all gathered and were looking at Rex. 

"Lord Commander Militant. In the Event of the invasion of Hutt Space, we wish to know how we may serve the Emperor to the best of our ability." Cullen explained.

"First. I want to know what each of your forces are best at, specializations or other such ways to use your forces best." Rex said, crossing his arms.

Cullen spoke first, "The Legions of Lansar are best described as adaptable force, we are sturdy. We are based primarily on the Cadian Pattern of Guard Formation, flexible, we have a good amount of range for territory, if I had to say what we specialize in, is more motorized combat, as we have a few more Leman Russ and Chimera template vehicles." 

"Standard front line, good to know." Rex said, nodding.

"The Army of the Red Star is known for it's hardy men. We use artillery to break enemy positions, and then we have mobile infantry rush the gaps, surround and disrupt the enemy lines. The primary goal will be to surround and destroy the enemy we capture. We do have a weakness, we have more artillery than armor in most of our formations, but we also have a tendency to dig in. Our best role will be in sieges or defensive actions." Osweic explained, his synthesized voice hinting at pride.

"The Legion of the Honored are connected with the Spears of Diomedes. They are the heavy support, while light mobile support. We are sorry, but the command structure of the 10 legions also are connected to the 10th company of the Spears. Our specialty primarily is being the stop gap of the astartes forces, we have heavy weapons, but lack heavy vehicles, and artillery." Argulus explained.

"Deploy you with the astartes, understood." Rex commented.

"The Holy League.....we are primarily a volunteer formation, our world was a fuedal world, the guardsmen were around a 1/3 of our major force. The Holy League is best a PDF. Armor is lacking, but there are special united designed for mobile warfare,'s limited. If we must be used, best we are on a defensive battle, with positions, or against enemies who lack advanced tech." Kasper explained

Rex nodded, needing to plan how he could.......improve the outdated tactics.

White Claw Zelt stood up and looked at the table, "The Ghostclaws of Reznan are skilled in ambush, asymmetrical, urban and close quarters combat. If you want to use us, station us with any real force, and we can act as any real force needed. Best results I recommend, drop us on an enemy planet, we will get the supplies we need, and be a menace that makes the stories of the ancient legions." 

Everyone looked at her, noticing the large claw on her right arm, the blade retracted, her arms crossed.

"So a loose fighting formation, and a force that can be self reliant....I'll keep that noted. But I expect you to be able to hold a position and fight in open battle as well." Rex stated.

Hereon stepped forward, taking a tricorn hat off and placing it to his chest, before bowing.

"I am Hereon the 8th, commander of the Riders of of Hereon. We are a highly mobile force of guardsmen. We are very well disciplined and we follow orders to the letter. If you ask us to hold, we will hold to the last. If you want us to take a hill, we will do everything in our ability to take the position. If I had to give advise on the proper use of the regiment, we are to be used as either an anchor of a flank, or as a force to pursue enemies, or simply attack the enemy once we breach the lines." Hereon explained, looking at Rex.

Everyone looked to Malondro, who reached up and removed the helmet, slipping it off, and setting it on the table.

"The Ravalir Elite will do what ever is needed. We are special forces to the imperial guard. With us, the commands are plain and simple, you want something done, it will be done, quick, effective, and no objections. If there is a way, and it is wished of us, we will complete the mission. Tactical advise, use us when you have a tough position you need taken, use us, we will get it done." He said, before putting his helmet back on, and returning to his disturbing silence.

Finally, there was Pre Vizsla. 

"I am Man-Castellan Vizsla, of the Mandalorian Elite. The Mandalorian Commandos are best use for low gravity assaults and air borne combat. With our Beskar armor, we can withstand a storm of basters, and with our skills, we can take down any force." Pre Vizsla explained.

Rex nodded, looking at the various forces, the different strategies, he could only describe as 6.5 combat forces to be spread across the various chapters and fronts in terms of planetary invasion. Two or three frontline formations, pretty good, 2 special forces and a preset force combination. 

Rex also had to add in the 501st, through.....that raised a few questions, where was he going to get forces....if he looses his brothers. Rex.....hadn't thought about this, it made his worried....would the 501st die a slow death in battle.....or.....would he have to recruit from the Imperial population, maybe pull the best units from the various guard regiments.

"Understood. I will speak with the Emperor, for his input, with the launch of the campaign...the crusade, I will send the pairings of space marine and guard forces." Rex explained.


Ahsoka was now looking at 3 main options for the Governor ship of Ryloth.

An Ex-guard Lord General, who was apart of the ruling council of the Planet known as Dimmius 2, he had some promise, was known for organizing large scale organizations, was in charge of the supply distribution of several Hive Cities, he also also stated that he had no issue working with the Twi'leks.

High Born Noble Amity Zara, she was known a rather well liked noble that was apart of the Imperial Fleet. She have some unusual notes, she had issues with focusing on luxury projects over common projects, but she did keep her schedule on time. She was recommended for being proficient and showing an interest in the Twi'leks.

Finally, there was Cardinal Gottman, who was found to be rather....enthusiastic to spread the word of the Emperor to those who witnessed the Imperium's power. He had some administration experience but was more singled out for the passion in his work he hoped to spread. His opinion of the Twi'leks was that of "a race who will be guided into the era of the Imperium".

Ahsoka had a hand rub a Montrol, before she heard Emely approach, and then a knock.

"Crowned Princess, may I enter?" Emely asked.

"Yes, come in." Ahsoka stated tired.

Emely walked in, still wearing her body suit as she entered.

"My Princess, what are you worried about?" Emely asked.

"Who to appoint. There are 3 options that were narrowed, but I am concerned that my choice now may be bad for the Twi'leks in the future. The general is efficient, but he is strict with the work, no room for error. The High born is more into vanity projects and she has some issues but she is someone who shows leadership qualities. The Priest is even less so, but shows the charisma to lead and has been working to create a unified cause to work to. 

I just.....don't know." Ahsoka finished, looking to the chapter master.

"Why not appoint them all. A leader of the system, the society and the people. Have it be a council, add members of the Twi'lek as members, local leaders." Emely said.

Ahsoka nodded....she stood up.

"Maybe we could do that." She said.

"We are on a return route to the Imperius System. I shall inform you on the arrival of the system. We expect the Emperor will wish to speak with you." Emely said.

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