The Imperium's Crusade

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Padme walked out of the bed chambers, seemingly glowing as she smiled. A team of Hospitalers and Medicae rushed in, seeing how the Emperor was doing. In the bed, was Anakin, drenched in sweat, his sheets soaked in his own sweat, and the juices that came about from what could only be described as a Month long Marathon of hard core and intense sex.

"No more....there is nothing but air coming out of this point." Anakin said, his voice seemingly raspy.

"My Emperor, what can we do for you?" The Lead sister asked.

"Water.....I need water." He said, weakly raising his hand.

A team of Medicae would lift Anakin up and carry him, before carrying him to a tank that would suspend him in water, with a breathing mask over his mouth and nose, before he was monitored, and a needle was put in his arm, feeding him fluids.

"How long had they been....doing the duty?" One Medicae asked, concerned.

"31 days, 15 hours, 43 minutes and 41 seconds.  Status of health: Extreme Dehydration, Muscle deteriorated in the arms and legs from under use. Current health treatments will take a week before pre-Empress love making conditions are reached." the medicae explained.

"Sweet Emperor.....nearly a month in the bed chambers. No mere man could survive such an intense event." The Medic said, as he was helping monitor the vitals.

He was quickly hit across the face of the medic by a whip, held by a Sister of battle, who was glaring at medic.

"You believed the Emperor was mortal!? You are truly foolish to even contemplate such heresy!" She stated.

Meanwhile, Ahsoka was sitting in a chamber, looking at Solemoc, the ancient Lions. She had learned a bit, but it was clear, that Solemoc's mind wasn't really intact at the moment, he was at the edge of sleep. To the "Princess" Solemoc was seen as one of the most Valuable troves of imperial knowledge, as he served with....the phoenix.

"What was your lord like?" Ahsoka asked, curious.

" The.....Snakes.....poisoned.....him." the dreadnaught said.

"Poisoned him how?" She asked, leaning forward.

"" the dreadnaught said, before the glow of the eyes vanished, he had fallen asleep again.

Ahsoka had been spending her days learning of the various.....chapters of the Imperium, trying to learn about their history, and traditions. Each one focused on their own specialization. The Blades were fast, sudden attacks and hard strikes, at close range. They contrasted the Spears with their slower strikes with heavy equipment on foot.

The Lions and Lords had similar ideas, with different sides, the Lions were fast and would hit and run, with the Lords being heavier direct combat with vehicles. There was also reference to the Codex that was loosely followed by some, and partially disregarded by others.

The Mentors were the most compliant, with the 4 partial chapters, who were compliant to a major, if not with some traditions that made them non-compliant. 

The Lords of Iron seemed to be Compliant, with the exception of how many vehicles, which they had an excess of in terms of heavy transports and other such modifications.

The Lions were compliant in a similar manner, having more bikes than needed, and the Chapter Master was a human, who completed a tradition the Chapter Master took part in.

The Spears were less Compliant, having 2 extra companies, and having no scout regiment, they also had the Legion of the Honored following, there the Scouts are taken to learn leadership as they act as operational leaders.

The Blades of Flame had more companies, with extra elite and extra battle and reserve companies, and even 2 scout companies, along with the "Death" Company.

Rex on the other hand was learning the strategies of the Guardsmen Regiments. Lansar was mixed, infantry, general standards, based on Cadia and Armageddon as they stated in their design template origins. The Army of the Red Star was described as Infantry and Artillery, having a few less vehicles in general, with more for armor over transport.

The Riders of Haredonean are faster mounted troops who are skirmishers primarily, but can stand and fight, when needed. In comparison, the Ravalir Elite, where an army of special forces, quiet, precise, clean, and efficient, to describe it, an army of Arc troopers.. Finally the Ghost claws, who were more asymmetric combat fighters, with a mix of what forces, in their "Claws".

-Meanwhile, in the Sheathe, fortress monastery of the Blades of Flame chapter-

The Chapter Masters all gathered, looking at each other. They had found the history of the Emperor, they had learned, that he had been made a slave, and owned by a people known as the Hutts. 

"It would be clear, We shall make sure, these hutts, die. The worlds of the hutts would be burned, we will use their limited supply, and destroy the homeworld of these Hutts. This will be a conflict only we can truly wage, many worlds would be sieged, many guardsmen my be lost, we may even loose brothers, but, no beings are beyond our wrath, beyond our reach. 

We will make the worlds of the Emperor and the Empress thrive. They will be the twin jewels of the Imperium, and when we are done, no one shall stand against us." Mhmun said.

The Chapter Masters nodded, they looked at each other.

"Brothers. I believe it is time for us to step out of the chapters once more. We shall become the Emperor's Reborn Legions." Macullos stated, putting down the codex astartes.

Everyone looked at him.

"We still follow the codex, we just have larger are we going to start recruiting. To grow, we need youths, I can see pulling from the citizens, but we need more." Macullos stated.

"We may have to......pull them in from beyond the imperium." Lacedaemon stated.


Palpatine noticed a silent alarm going off. Looking down, he saw....they escaped, again. He had to keep his composure, it would not look good if the Chancellor seemed angry at a minor inconvenience.

"Chancellor, the current state of the war seems to be going in our favor, however, we have reports from systems of separatist backed movements that threaten our supply lines. With General Skywalker having joined the imperium, I fear we may begin to have issues with moral." Master Windu explained.

Mace was about to continue, when he suddenly paused....could he sense the pair? That's not good.

"Master Jedi, I do hope that everything is going well? What about Count Dooku, has there been any attempts to capture him of late?" Palpatine asked.

"We have not had as much luck as we had wished. He maintains his distance behind enemy lines, leading select theaters that seem to be selected at random. If I had to guess, he is probing for a deeper attack." Windu explained.

The presence of the pair was getting further Mace Windu stood up.

"Excuse me, but I must go." He said.

"Master Jedi, I must ask, is there any plans to try and retreive General Skywalker?" Palpatine asked.

"That is currently a jedi matter, and can not be discussed outside of the order." Mace Windu said.

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