Senatorial Fear

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Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, the center of galactic commerce, civilization and justice, home to the galactic senate, was now in a state of fear, from recent video of battles. 

"ORDER! I will have ORDER!" Mas Amedda yelled, banging his staff.

The Republic senate was arguing, again, but this time, it was over the issue of this "Imperium". Many of the pro-war senators made demands that these crazy religious fanatics be used to protect their worlds, or open a new front with their strange form of Hyper Space travel, or use their super soldiers to end the war. The Pro-peace senators saw them as an issue to peace, as they were a group who lacked represenation, and has no clear agenda, no one knew who they were. 

As the senate room became quiet, Palpatine stood up. Lifting his hand he attempted to hush the loudest of voices, and succeeded, sending a ripple through the rest of the chamber, allowing him to speak.

"Senators, We have a set of ships watching the Space the Imperium has set up as their home, to replace the one that they had lost. From what we can tell via observation missions, the Imperium is building a large agricultural section on the third planet with the construction of a rather large city to house those aboard their ships, and on the fourth they are building large scale mining complexes for materials that are being used to build industry. The majority of the ships remain in orbit, and they patrol the system. We also have been given a recording of a battle they participated in with the Separatist army." Palpatine said, he had seen the recording already, but he knew, if he could keep making the crowd fearful of the Imperium, they would allow him more power.

Small holograms were projected on the platforms of the senators, showing a aerial view of the battle. They saw charging men, before a wave of gas hit them. After the gas dissipated, the droids marched across the field, stepping on the dead bodies of the men who charged. Suddenly, from the trenches, a man climbed up a mound, and shouted something. The dead seemingly stood up and began to fight the droids again. The Droids turned away retreating before they were attacked by the undead forces. 

Many of the senators did away from the recording, they felt, disturbed, seeing how the grotesque appearances of some of the soldiers, blood dripping from their mouth, nose and eyes, as they weakly stumbled, how they would fall only to be picked up and carried to continue the death march.

"He brought the dead back to life? Is he force sensitive? How is that possible? This can not be real." were whispered across the senatorial chamber.

"It was made clear that the droid army made use of Chlorine gas, many of the survivors of the gas attack died hours later, or are now in medical stations, many will not be able to fight again. We also encountered, their own version of treatment, with their Magos Biologists, who operated on these soldiers, and replaced limbs, organs and entire organ groups, with machines. 

If the CIS truly is a group who can be reasoned with in a civilized manner, after we have witnessed these tactics in use by them, I am fearful of what they will do to the republic to win?" Palpatine asked.

"We need to reach out, we need to understand them. We have only requested their warriors, seen the destruction they cause, but what do we know of them? We do not know of any culture that they have, the people we seen, the contact we have had, has been nothing but with their military forces." Padme asked, taking the floor.

"The Chair recognizes Senator Amidala to the floor." Mas Ameda said.

"I propose that we send an olive branch out to them, in order to reach an understanding of who they are, their history, their identity beyond that of war. If this is the worst we are seeing, I wish to see the best." Padme said, before the lights in the senate building turned red.

Palpatine fell into this chair, looking around, feeling a powerful throbbing in his skull, as it a hammer had smashed against his skull several times in rapid secession.  Panic began to take hold as the doors behind the senators shut, and locked.

"What is going on?" Palpatine asked, looking down at a radio built into the chancellor's pod.

"Unidentified anomaly has been detected in system." A clone spoke to the chancellor by a radio.

Palpatine was shown an image, that showed a large rip in reality, like a black hole, but, different.

Electricity arched from the edges, curling around as if it was bending to keep itself in reality, that's source was a surrounding form of clouds. Shifting colors come from the rip, as it made it self clear slowly that something was pressing on the surface of the dancing form of colors, before a ship came out, slowly. The massive ship it put the Venators to shame. On the ship was a golden eagle with two heads. It slowly moved out before in a single second, the anomaly closed itself, snapping shut as fast as it had appeared.

The Massive imperial ship was, having a white and gold prow with 2 large ports that a large personal craft could fly into. The guns were sizable, with a underslung gun the size of a blockade runner. The Golden Eagle shined in the light of the star that Coruscant orbited.

"Identify yourself." the clone working a tower commanded.

"We are the Sacred Blade. The Emperor has guided us through the warp and now has landed us into orbit of this planet." a woman responded

"You are in Republic space, deactivate weapons if you plan to stay in orbit." the clone said.

Gun platforms in space locked onto the target, along with several venators preparing to launch fighters and bombers. Palpatine turned off the alarm, which released the locks and turned the lights back to normal.

"Senators, we have been given a most, enlightening opportunity. It would seem that the Imperium has sent a single ship into our system. If any wish to meet them, we can arrange a meeting." Palpatine said.

The senators looked at each other.

"I shall go." Padme said hers was the first voice to ring out from the murmurs.

"So shall I." Bail Organa said.

"Any others?" Palpatine asked.


The Few Jedi councilmen staggered. The report of a vessel exiting the anomaly was relayed to them, and the connection with the imperium was made.

"We need to figure out what causes these pains." Mace Windu said, as he shook his head, feeling a strong discomfort from the surge that was a disturbance in the force.

"Gather a team, you must, head to the ship. Solve the mystery." Yoda said, holding his head.

"We may need to be cautious." Mace windu said, standing up.

"They will need to be well trained diplomats." Adi Gallia said.

-meanwhile on the Sororitas vessel-

Sister Alico was in silent prayer, the room was empty, and guarded at all entrances. No one was to disturb the sister who heard the Emperor's voice. She had heard the voice only utter one or two words at a time.

"Guests." the voice said, once more.

Alico stood up, and walked to the door. Pushing it open just a bit, she would speak to a waiting sister. 

"We will be having guests soon, from a meal, and we will greet them." She whispered, before the door shut once more.

"Great Emperor, please, tell us where your new godly form has taken, we search for the one who can walk the skies, but there are many worlds, and many skies we search. Give me a sign." Alico pleaded to the statue of the emperor.

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