Artifacts and Changes

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Anakin, wearing a robe with golden threads walked from the hanger, and was met by the honor guard of the Mentors of the Imperium. Several banners, astartes companies and the ship workers were all in formation to welcome Anakin as he walked into the hanger.

"Welcome Emperor Skywalker. We welcome you to the Monestary of our Chapter. I have asked you to come here, is so that we may show you our collection of artifacts and discuss the plans for our future crusade." Macullos stated.

They began to walk, moving through the ship. Eventually a door was reached, and Macullos inserted a key into a panel, before the heavy locks hissed, pulling out of the locks. The Doors opened slowly, pulling apart, before Anakin and the Chapter Master walked through the doors.

Anakin saw banners hanging up on the walls, showing banners of companies, and squads. Some where damaged, others were prestine, having a unique design marked by nothing other than a symbol.

Anakin felt something, it was quiet, like a whisper. He turned, before he began to move towards the source. As he walked to a case, he placed his hand on the glass, looking at what looked like a book, it was bound in chains and had scrolls and wax seals on it. 

"The Liber de nominibus absconditis a tome of our enemies. It was captured by tainted enemies, who used it for a ritual. The Librarians who read the tome, went mad, and were put down. Since then, it has been sealed in the status chamber, and marked with purity seals, created by the blood of those who were purified by the Emperor's word." Macullos explained.

Anakin nodded, looking around.

"So you are showing me war trophes you took?" Anakin asked.

"It is not just trophes. It is the sacrafices we have made in the long era of battle. Each one was taken by chapter master of a battle that they served. My prize was taken on the world of Mandalore, I took a tusk of the Squiggoth that we slayed." Macullos explained

"Tell me, what artifacts did you claim?" Anakin requested.

Macullos walked over to a small case, that radiated energy, electricity arched from a cube.

"What is this?" Anakin requested.

"It is known as a Tesseract Labyrinth. It.....supposedly holds a shard of a great being, known as a C'tan. It is being held in stasis field in order to prevent the mind inside from trying to influence those inside the ship." Macullos explained.

"Why?" Anakin asked, interested.

"From what records told, this C'tan.....influences those, before they steal the energy. They had nearly killed all of their own servants when we found it and were able to capture it." the Chapter master explained.

Anakin placed his hand on the glass, feeling the energy radiating from was...strange to say the least.

Moving on, Anakin was shown a sword made from a material that felt alive, it had been a prize of Macullos's predecessor, who died in a duel with the holder of the sword, that he killed in the same duel he died in. A skull of a great monster, a Hive Tyrant, some of the skull was burned, a company was lost in it's attempt to kill the beast.

They reached a chamber with a robot's head and a chain gun. They rested on a case, they looked.....more advanced than the Imperial tech....or....he wasn't sure, it looked out of place in a way, sleek and elegant.

"That was the prize our chapter took, we had been one of the many who joined in the crusade of the Damocles gulf, when the tau first showed themselves. We took that, the first kill we had struct on the invaders of your Great Imperium." Macullos explained.

The last object that they looked at, was a helmet, it was scales and a crest, of what looked like snakes on the head.

"This....this is the oldest artifact we have. The Chapter's first master had taken this, after they struct down a warband, and this is what the leader wore. It is a helmet, designed after a great traitor of the Imperium." Macullos said.

"What was his name?" Anakin asked.

"Alpharius." Macullos stated.

There was a silence, as the chapter master said the name, he looked away, before turning.

"Now, my Emperor. I wish to discuss the plans, for the crusade we shall launch. These Hutts, what do you wish for their fate to be?" Macullos questioned.


Palpatine was in his secret chambers, he was speaking with Dooku, annoyed.

"The loss of Skywalker has thrown the war efforts into chaos. The Battle lines have slowed as the Republic works to reorganize it's efforts." Palpatine explained.

"What shall I do my master?" Dooku asked.

"Prepare an assault to retake the northern sections, the acceptance of the Republic there is weak at best, so retaking those worlds will be a battle of morale, strengthening, while weakening the Republic." Palpatine explained.

"And what of Ryloth? Skywalker's apprentice is still on the world, we could capture the world and remove of of the arms of the Imperium's War Machine." Dooku explained.

"No, their ships are too numerous. Hmmmmm, send Ventress, her mission will be simple, strike down the Imperium's Princess, show them even their most powerful can be killed." Palpatine ordered.

Dooku bowed, through in his mind, he was doubtful, the mission was more suicide than likely to succeed.

"I feel that it may be too....risky to preform such an act. She may be better suited for a command position in a future battle. I believe it is best if we try to separate the master jedi from the orders. If we get rid of the leadership of the order, we can bring this war to an end and then surround the Imperium." Dooku said.

Palpatine would snear.

"The value of your assassin is meaningless. I shall give you one chance. Go to Quell. The Planet will draw a general away from the lines. They will be valnerable, if your assassin proves to be effective, she may remain as a pawn for the future, but they will not be safe if plans change." Palpatine stated.

The message ended, as Palpatine noted how someone was waiting outside his office. Leaving the secret chamber, he entered his quarters connected to the office. As Palpatine walked in and sat at the desk, the door opened, and Tarkin walked in.

"Chancellor. I am hoping to discuss plans, and potential counter measures against the Imperium and their battleships. I have concocted the designs for fleet formations, and new warships in design, star dreadnaughts is the designation for the current stance." Tarkin explained.

"Captain Tarkin. I will consider, if you are willing. I wish to hear your plans, but what is the fear you have of the Imperium, they have been staunch allies the entire war." Palpatine explained.

"They have been fighting along side us with an enemy we share. However, what is to say they will not turn on us, once they have beaten back the droid armies." Tarkin said, sitting down across from the chancellor.

"With Jedi knight Skywalker and senator Amidala in charge, I doubt they will see us as enemies, it would be foolish to strike a trail that will burn us later." Palpatine said.

"I understand that they have a history with obedience to the Republic. They were partially responsible for the beginnings of the clone wars." Tarkin explained.

"That may be poisoning the well from the start. You see Captain, I trust in the knight and the senator to do the right thing, even if it would be more difficult. The Imperium is a friend we need to have in this time. Once the war is done, we can reach an agreement and find a middle ground with them." Palpatine said.

However, in his mind, Palpatine was annoyed. Every plan he had was started to struggle. The disruption of trade lanes has been resolved by the Rogue Trader Families of the Imperium. The Powerful super weapon he had built had been captured and made into a symbol of the Imperium's strength. The Star of the War that Palpatine had worked so hard to create was now Leading them, away from his influence, while the Senate began to flock to the support, as they say the Imperium as more efficient than the Republic.

The decades of careful planning were starting to falter, he needed something to happen, some action that could ruin the Imperium. But what?!

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