Attack on the factory

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The deployment of the Army of the Red Star arrived on the venator. 

"We need to make this clear, stay to one side, your forces can do what you need, but do not mess with any systems. The Arrival on Havavaa will be a few days. We will be landing beyond the outskirts of their defenses, and march on foot. I hope this makes everything clear." the captain of the ship explained, before a droid translated the message.

The Clones watched the soldiers, some looked at their gear, which had some variation, older more warnout parts with some repairs needed as it seemed, others had patches of rust on the body of the guns, and the vehicles were tracked, having the system exposed . 

The soldiers ran from one side of the large hanger, to the other, before doing other exercises. Some would eat, and in the later half of the day night cycle of the ship, they would practice fighting with bayonets, with the sheathes on.

As the ship reached Habavaa, the ship lowered slowly, and the guardsmen prepared to deploy. The Venator was able to land, and the forces unloaded, moving towards the droid factory. The force deployed at the far edge of the clearing, and dug trenches as a set up some base line. Artillery and vehicles prepared to be used.

The army was divided up into 4 groups, the factory would be attacked by the imperium from three side, and the republic by last side, after the imperium drew away most of the garrisoned forces, the republic would move in to attack and destroy the facility. The Guardsmen smiled, waiting for the attack, before the artillery raised into the sky, and opened fire, in a barrage of artillery both of shells, and rockets.

The army spread out and prepared to attack. A line nearly 8 miles wide was created to begin the attack, and with a field well over a mile wide of land, now having shell craters covering the area.

As the barrage came to an end, a man blew a whistle and the first group charged in.

Droids marched out of the factory, and took positions in ranks, before large cargo droids walked out, holding barrels and pipes. The charging forces were still out of range, before suddenly, the barrels were opened, and a connected to the pipes, before green gas was pushed out, and began to flow towards the forest. The charging forces were caught in the gas, as they ran through, they breathed in the gas, and coughed. Soon after the forces would begin to die as their lungs and throats melted, drowning them with their own blood. 

"Gas! Gas! Gas!" A radio operator in the charge yelled into his radio, before he began to choke on his own blood.

The soldiers in the back line rushed to put on Rhee gas masks or just rags, soaked clothes, anything to block the gas attack.

"Section 3 Corp 1 is getting hit by a gas attack!" A communication officer yelled, hoping to get reinforcements.

"Section 2 and 4 will send reinforcements when possible." The radio spoke back.

"Commander Osoweic! The section's guns can't fire, orders?" The officer asked.

Commander Osoweic, an older man, grabbed a dead commissar's saber and walked out. He was the commissar  now, he would lead his men once more. His mouth was red, the gas mask didn't work, the filters were bad, and he got a lung full of gas from the attack.

"Get up! The Emperor did not give you permission to die, and neither shall I! If you can not stand! Crawl! We will not allow these godless machines the honor of defeating us." The commander yelled into a vox speaker, which was on the back of a dead soldier.

He looked out from a mound and saw the machines approached, the gas now was dispersed. He saw from the trenches, men crawling, struggling to stand. 

They were not down yet.

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