Operation: Honor March

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Mace Windu was sitting at a table. Obi-wan was next to him. Across from them, was Anakin Skywalker.

"Skywalker. Please explain what you have done since you had been kidnapped." Mace Windu said, looking at Anakin.

Anakin leaned his hand on his head, looking at the scribe next to him.

"Bring the good stuff. I have a long story." 

"It couldn't possibly be that long. It's been 3 days." Kenobi joked.

-One Convolutedly long story later-

The table now had 3 large bottles of very fine wine the Imperials had on hand.

Windu had both of his hands in his face, as he slowly slide them down. Obi-wan was trying not to laugh, though it was difficult.

"Anakin. What is the Senator's opinion of being made Empress of the Imperium, because of you found her attractive. And We are needing to get Padawan Tano back to complete her trials." Mace Windu said.

"Trust me. If I could, without the equivalent of the jedi temple turning into an Imperial Fortress." Anakin said.

"That isn't good. We need you and the 501st back as soon as possible. It could be possible for you to step down as leader and instate a senate." Windu said.

"There is one, filled with religious fanatics that would just add what I do into law. I will see what I could possibly due, but it seems the only way for me to get back onto the battlefield, is to be leading the forces of the Imperium." Anakin said.

Obi-wan smiled. 

"I think it would be rather beneficial, you already are known for doing the impossible, with the Imperials, it may as well be doubling the Impossibility of what you could do." Kenobi said.

"I know, but every time I learn something about these people, I can feel the hairs on my head becoming grey." Anakin said.

"I think you would look like a rather handsome silver fox." A sister of Battle stated.


A scribe began to write.

"THAT IS NOT A LAW! I THOUGHT I MADE THAT CLEAR BEFORE!" Anakin shouted even louder.

"I was taking a reminder for the advisor vetting process." the scribe said.

Anakin slammed his head on the table. A soldier walked over, with a report.

"My lord, the Chapters of the Blades of Flame and Mentors of the Imperium have set out. They are marching on the Ork Rok to our north, and are determined to claim it." the guardsmen explained.


Mhmun was riding in a Land Raider.

"We have sighted the Rock. Forces are to disembark. We shall create a defensive position." Mhmun said.

"You are not following the Codex." Macullos protested over the radio.

"I am the senior of us. We shall follow my lead." Mhmun said, as he stepped out of the Land Raider.

As Mhmun stepped out, he saw his space marines setting up. Heavy weapons, bolters and all sorts of equipment was being readied. Macullos walked to meet the Space marine chapter master.

"While you have been here, doing what ever. Do you know we have done? What We have seen. What We have lost?" The Astartes asked.

Mhmun took the sheathed sword off his belt.

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