Hinata's badass slap!

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it was now the following day at lunch. you knew what was going to happen and shit there was a whole ass, Crowd! "Can you first years move?" you asked. "o-oh yes" said the first years. they moved out the way making a little pathway for you. 

and it was perfect timing too since you saw Hinata slapped Mikey in all her glory. "Oh, shit she actually did it!" you said. everyone turned their heads to the scene. "SHE HAS A DEATH WISH" said some of the first years. 

some were even praying. after a little bit of silence Draken put his hand on Hinata's shoulder making her stop in her place. "You think you can just slap him and go?!" asked Draken. 'Holy shit! I know he won't hit her but like this is badass!' you thought. 

takemichi then did his speech about not wanting to give Hinata up again. you then stepped in. "ha~ no way takemichi you grew balls!" you said. "Eck y/n-Kun!" said takemichi. "Yo Mr. crybaby" you said. 

"Ah hey y/n-Kun!" said Hinata. "Hey Hina-chin! anyways these guys are takemichi's friends this is a big old misunderstanding." you said. Hinata blinked for a second and then started apologizing repeatedly. 

"Woah! how did you do that y/n-Kun?!" asked takemichi. "I won't say shit it's my secret! but if you really want to know you need to pay me for girl information!" you said. takemichi deadpanned and you just laughed at him. 

"Kidding I just told her what was up" you said. "Wow that easy" said takemichi. "Anyways I am going to go eat lunch with my friend bye!" you said. you then walked away and went back to class to find Elma sulking next to the window.

"Are you depressed now or something?" you asked. "Your back!" said Elma. you pulled up a chair and sat down. "Yeah, just some second years making ruckus downstairs" you said. "chisme?!" asked Elma. forgot to say Elma is half Mexican and half Japanese.

"No girlie! I got none" you said. "tienes que estar bromeando!" said Elma. "I am not kidding!" you said. "Aw man," said Elma. "let's just get to eating" you said. "Aw ok," said Elma. you two started eating and talking about how annoying your teachers were.

after school

 you were now at home in your room fixing up yet another bike. Chiharu is always on a tight schedule, so he gives you bikes to fix. you weren't complaining since you got to practice more. shinichiro made you not work long hours now that studies were "important". 

the bike wasn't that bad of a model, but it wasn't that good either. it was hakkai's bike dudes bike broke down after speeding and the nearest shop was your brothers. 'Ant no way I am working on hakkai's bike! I want to meet yusuha and senju! meeting senju will be hard since takeomi ant let me near her!' you thought.  

but as if on cue shinichiro came into your room or should I say garage. "What are you guys doing here?" you asked. they looked around and then left the room instantly. you started laughing and opened the door again. 

"DONT KILL ME" said shinichiro. "I see you guys finally got here!" said Chiharu. "Were they here for you big bro?" you asked. "Yup sorry they just walked in," said Chiharu. "Eh don't worry I was working on the bike anyways" you said. 

"Good to know I won't die" said shinichiro. "Ya know next time knock" you said. "Yes ma'am" said shinichiro. "I am going back to work tell me if you need something" you said. "Oh, wait actually here," said Chiharu. 

Chiharu then handed you a bag of clothes for some reason. "And these are?" you asked. "For you duh! I went shopping and I thought you would like these," said Chiharu. "Thanks, I guess now bye" you said. 

"See Ya!" said Chiharu. you went back into the garage and put music on. "you guys are lucky she didn't roundhouse kick you guys," said Chiharu. "She can fight?!" asked the guys. "of course, she can! well I didn't teach her how she just knows how to," said Chiharu. 

"Bring her to the gym some time she might be a match for senju" said wakasa. "Sure, I think she would like to fight someone," said Chiharu.


short chapter so have this little treat!

[gang gang]


wait if you put oil on socks does that mean you can walk on water?


not again...


uh I don't know


how about you try it


I ant trying to drown


see you answered your own question


wow ken-chin you're so smart


nah all you guys stupid I got better grades then all of you!


tat dot maen shit


wtf does that mean


*That don't mean shit* 


how tf


nah I am dead literally 

(Mr. smile)







shopping now!


can we come?!

(emma and y/n)

fuck no




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