plans to meet up?

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Chiharu and Haku managed to find you again while they were running back home. "So where are they" asked Chiharu. "Look for yourself they're inside the shop" you said. Chiharu looked through the window and indeed there they were.

Chiharu quickly stopped looking and started panicking. "OMFG WHY IS SHINICHIRO HOT IN THE MANGA AND IN REAL LIFE" asked Chiharu. "Bro are you gay?" Asked Haku. "Nah that's how he is you will get used to it since well you will find out soon" you said.

Chiharu looked at you with a confused look and so did Haku. "Ok ok so like I was kind if hopping Haku would buy a bike that doesn't really work right and have it fixed by shinichiro! So, we could at least meet the guy!" You spoke.

Chiharu started fricking out since well shinichiro was his favorite character in Tokyo revengers, so this is a Hella good opportunity for him. "I AM SO IN," said Chiharu. "Fine but how are we going to get the money? Mom and dad were the only ones working and now that our shop is gone, we can't make money" said Haku.

"Shit his right" you said. "I'll find a job you guys just pretend you're like 13 or something," said Chiharu. "Huh? Why 13" you asked. "I think we can meet Mikey and the rest if we're 13" said Haku.

"Yeah, that's what I meant," said Chiharu. "Hm how about we do this! Since there are three of us one of us meets takemichi and helps him. one of us with shinichiro and the black dragons and the last one goes with izana?" You asked.

"Smart I call debs on shinichiro!" Said Chiharu. "So, leaves us with izana and takemichi" said Haku. "I want to meet Hinata and the girls, so I'll go with takemichi" you said. "Alright so I'll try and meet izana" said Haku.

You all agreed to make plans on what to do in the future. Chiharu will become friends with shinichiro and the first-generation black dragons. Haku will try and be friends with izana.

And you will have to literally wait 2 years to meet takemichi. "Let's go home tomorrow we can buy a bike and make sure that shit breaks down," said Chiharu. "Eye eye captain" you said. Haku did the attack on Titan thing which had his hand in a fist over his heart and his arm behind his back.

"Let's go!" Said Chiharu. You guys quickly walked past shinichiro's shop again and walked home. 'Ok wtf so I have to pretend I am 13? Ant I 15?!' You thought. 'Bro so I have to act 12 this is going to be Hella embarrassing' thought Haku.

You guys got home and went straight back to your bedrooms. You plopped down into your bed and just looked at the ceiling. "So, I have to be friends with takemichi and Mikey... I am so excited!" You said to yourself.

You sat up on your bed and turned on the led lights. "Wait isn't my room going to be too advanced for some girl in 2003?" You asked yourself. You got up from your bed and walked over to your mini fridge.

It already had 2 water bottles there and you grabbed one. You opened it and chugged it down. "Let's see" you mumbled. You grabbed your bag which had your manga and notebooks in it and opened it.

You took out everything and placed them in front of the bookshelf. You sorted out the manga and put them in the right spots. You of course had Tokyo revengers manga, but you placed those on the very top where even a 6 foot something person couldn't reach without a stool.

If you're wondering how, you put them there let's say you fucking climbed the shelf. After doing all of that you grabbed your notebooks and put them in the drawers of your work desk.

You left one empty notebook out for plans. Your brothers had the same idea and also had a notebook of plans. Chiharu had a normal notebook which was of course normal for a low spender. Haku had a notebook that looked like a diary.

And you had one which was like a diary but was a notebook. You sat down into the gaming chair you had there at your desk. Let's say you had a whole ass PC set up there, two monitors.

You sighed and started writing down plans to how to meet takemichi and Mikey.

Notebook "plans for the future"

1. Meet shinichiro
2. Become friends with shinichiro
3. Meet kid Mikey
4. Wait 2 years
5. I don't know right now

End of writing

You closed the notebook and threw it in an empty drawer and called it a night. You plopped down into your bed just when Chiharu and Haku walked in. "Yo sis so like we have no idea of what model to buy," said Chiharu.

"I'll help you guys buy one tomorrow" you said. "Did you already start making plans?" Asked Haku. "Yeah, I guess but I don't know anything else expect meeting shinichiro" you said.

"Don't worry lol you have 2 years and me and Haku have I think only this year," said Chiharu. Haku shock his head, yes, and sat down in your gaming chair. "So how are we going to act like 12- and 13-year Olds" asked Haku.

"Well for you Haku were going to have to make you look like a kid," said Chiharu. "I call debs on cutting his hair!" You spoke. "I'll let you cut my hair since I don't trust Chiharu with anything sharp next to my hair" said Haku.

Chiharu let out an offended gasp and sat down on the wood floor. The garage had wood floor just saying. You also cleaned it so it's not musty anymore!

"So tomorrow let's buy a bike and down grade it to where it won't start anymore and let shinichiro fix it," said Chiharu. "Leave the down grading to me" you said. Chiharu and Haku agreed and left your room to go sleep in their own rooms.

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