A/N: Thank you!!!

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Hello, everybody! As you can see, this is the end of my first Loki story! I know it's a little abrupt, but allow me to explain.

So, this book is long and it took a while to write. I forgot when I started writing this, but I bet it's been at least a year (or close to). I had plans for one last arch, but I feel like it would drag on, so I'm ending the story here! Plus, I have other books I would love to start working on without this one nagging at the back of my mind. 

So, thank you for reading and I'm so happy to have a Loki story finally finished on my account! I'm planning on more with him, so keep your eyes peeled! Be sure to share this story with fellow Loki and Marvel lovers! I would really appreciate it since I put a lot of work into this story and Izetta is my first OC to make it onto my account (published and other than my persona, of course).

But, with that said, this is Author Spiritwing13 howling a final goodbye for this book! Author AHWOOOOOOT!

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