Chapter 85

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???'s POV

"If I'm wrong...what more could I lose?" 

Everything was bright. I couldn't see anything, but I heard a voice that echoed in my head. I knew that voice. Thor...? I blinked. My body still felt like it was floating. Then, my feet touched the ground. The pain in my head began to ebb away.

I stumbled a little as I got my footing. I looked around, finding myself in what looked like a meadow. Flowers were everywhere and I could see trees all around. I was standing on a pathway of stones. You would expect to hear birds or the wind or something...but the world was quiet. It was silent. I began to walk along. It was also oddly bright out, but it didn't hurt my eyes like it usually did. The sky was a crystal clear blue and I could see how calm everything around me was. 

"...Hello?" I called. There was no answer. Suddenly, I heard a voice in my head, echoing again. 

"I lost the kid...I lost them both." 

"Tony?" I couldn't hear him anymore. Something felt...wrong. I didn't like this place. It felt off and it was making me uncomfortable. However, that all went away when I heard a voice behind me.

"Izetta." My breath hitched. I turned around and I thought I was going crazy. He was there and he was okay. I ran to him as fast as I could. He caught me as I jumped into his arms. Tears were in my eyes. 

"You're okay..." It was all I managed to say. He just held me tighter. After a little while, he let go of me.

"Come with me." I took his hand and walked with him, staying by his side. I didn't care where we were going. I was just so happy to see him. I wanted to stay with him forever.

We kept walking until we made it to a very large tree reminding me of the one my family had lived in back in Alfheim. I looked over it, curious. Nothing about any of this was clicking with me. I didn't understand what was happening.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"It's where we have to stay. I'll explain some other time. Would you like to go inside?" I smiled, nodding. I trusted him. We walked in, going under the roots that lifted it up. Now it really reminded me of the tree back home. 

"Loki, are we on Alfheim?" I asked. "I mean, this looks like where my brother and sister used to live. You see, we had this huge tree on a mountain top where-"

"You're always so curious," He chuckled at me. 

"'re not really telling me much," I said, starting to suspect that something was wrong. He sighed.

"I know. I just don't want to bring all of it up right now. I promise I'll tell you later. Just come sit with me for now. Please?" I paused, but I nodded again, relaxing as I went with him. We sat together in one of the pockets of the tree. He held me in his lap as we cuddled. I smiled, content and happier than I had been in a long time. 

"I'm glad you found me. I was starting to feel lost." 

"I'll always find you, darling." He kissed the top of my head. "Get some sleep." I yawned a bit.

"I didn't think I was this tired..." I muttered a little. I hadn't even noticed that a blanket had appeared over both of us out of nowhere. It was so soft that it made me even more sleepy.

"You deserve to rest," He told me, stroking my hair gently.

"What about you?" I asked quietly.

"Don't worry about that. Just focus on breathing. In and out, my dear. Okay?" I barely even questioned his advice, focusing on slowing my breathing down and sinking in further into his arms.

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