Author Note: Important Beginning Info!

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Hey guys! Yes, I am, in fact, alive. I know I haven't posted in a while but that's because I've been working on stories in the background. Like a lot. I have over 60 different drafts, all different ideas, but this is the one I committed the most to and I think I'm finally ready to get this going!

HOWEVER! I am currently in school and things have been hectic. Believe me, I am stressed with a capital "S". This book is definitely my therapy, so don't think I'm forcing myself. I'm not, this is what I love doing. But being in school and knowing I need to keep my personal health in mind, if chapters are spaced out longer, please be respectful of the fact that I am;

A. Only one person

B. Busy with my personal life

and C. Keeping mindful of what's the best for me and my mental health. 

I fully intend to finish this book and right now most of it is honestly done, but I need to read through and revise everything. I'm hoping that task will go swiftly so I don't have all these chapters finished and I'm just not posting. I've had to revise this book a few times and I might change things as I go, which also means the chapter gap could be small or big.

Finally, I'm also doing artwork for this book. Since this book is not a reader insert like my other stories, I am responsible for creating new characters, their looks, and their information to a greater level than before. So, once again, please be patient with me, (especially since I struggle drawing male characters). That and I have to try and do realistic human drawings instead of my usual more animated style, which is very new and very tough for me right now.

Long story short, be patient, be respectful, and please understand that I am only one person. I put my heart and soul into my stories and this one I'm hoping will do well. My final ask is that you please share this story with people you think will enjoy it. I really want to come back to Wattpad stronger than ever. I've grown a lot in my writing, I believe, over my period of 'silence' I guess and I don't want to have done all of this for nothing. 

With that said, I really hope you all enjoy this story! If you see errors in my writing, I would be glad if you respectfully point them out and I will fix them. I am also happy to discuss the lore and the meanings behind things in the comments. I may not get to everyone if this gets as many views as my most popular story, but I personally love when Marvel fans theorize and get together to discuss details and background lore, so joining in on your guys' ideas and conversations is so much fun for me. However, please be respectful. I will delete comments if there is actual rudeness going on. Also, please be respectful of the choices I make with the storyline. Everything I do is for a reason. I'm making a universe that I am proud of, so even if you would've done something different or something I do doesn't make you happy, I hope you can respectfully understand and then make the call if this book is or isn't for you. Still, I'm happy you clicked here and I do truly hope you all enjoy yourselves. Read and comment on, my friends! 

Edit: Also, I entered this story into The Seasonal Contests [3rd Edition - 2022] by 

I've never done this before, but I thought it might help my story out a little bit! I would love for more people to enjoy this story, so I'm hoping this gives it a little boost at least.

Update: My book won second place in the Fanfiction category! I got a sticker to put on the cover! I'm so happy! I'm also so thankful to whoever judged this book for the contest. I, unfortunately, don't know who judged my book, but if they re-read this part and see this, I'm so grateful and honored! Thank you so much!

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