Chapter 40

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Izetta's POV

I got home and Thor was waiting for me at the other end of the Bifrost. I had arrived not far outside of New York City. I frowned. The memories of this place came back, both good and bad. But now...all of them felt bad. Thor, however, looked less than happy at the moment. I wondered what was wrong as he came over.

"Thor? What's going on?"

"Izetta, I'm afraid we have a last-minute mission. We need to get to a HYRDA base. We've obtained information about something they have there. We need to retrieve it. We'll fill you in on the way. Come, quickly." I transformed and carried my bags on my back as we flew together to the tower.

"So, this is everybody's big base then?"

"Mostly, yes. There are going to be a few new faces as well. You'll meet them later. Right now, old faces first." I dropped my stuff off as we hurried inside through the giant jet hanger. I looked around, marveling at what Tony had built. There were still some pretty impressive new additions since I'd last been there. 

"Wow! Tony went all out!"

"Always do, kiddo." I stopped. I transformed back and I smiled, all of my sadness melting away as I saw him again.

"Dad!!" I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. He caught me, laughing.

"There you are! How's my Tailwind, huh?" He looked me over.

"Wow, you look like you've grown. Did you always have muscle like this?" He asked. I chuckled.

"I'm a lot stronger than when you last saw me, Dad."

"You said that the last time I saw you."

"Well, I mean, that was the plan, right?" I asked. He smiled.

"It's really good to see you again, kiddo."

"Hundreds of years older than you, Tony!" I laughed.

"You're still only 20 in human years, so it doesn't count."

"Hate to interrupt and would love to celebrate with you guys, but we need to move." I looked past him and I smiled as I saw Natasha.

"Nat! Oh my gosh!" I hugged her.

"Hey, Izz. Seems like you came back at the perfect time."

"More like you guys called a mission at the perfect time. I have been dying to go back out in the field just like old times."

"Well, then I guess we got you the perfect welcome back gift."

"This is a gift?" I heard Bruce's familiar voice. I smiled as I started seeing the entire crew.

"Bruce! Clint! Steve!" I ran up to them, giving each of them hugs. "Now it's really like old times!"

"Well, kid, let's hope you still got what it ta-AKES! WHOA!" I hugged Steve so tight that I actually lifted him up a little.

"Oh! Sorry! I got excited!" I set him down and he took a second to get his breath back.

"...What the hell?" He asked. I chuckled a little.

"Uh, yeah, I think we have a new supersoldier, Rogers," Tony said.

"I didn't think she could even get that strong."

"I've been training hard!" I said proudly.

"And she has earned the title of one of the strongest warriors in Asgard! The Nine Realms will witness your strength today!" I rolled my eyes.

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