Chapter 97

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Steve's POV

Just as I got ready to fight to my last breath, knowing that's what would happen since I was severely outnumbered, I heard a voice in my ear. It was one I hadn't heard for five years. I almost thought I imagined it, but it was real. This was real.

"Hey, Cap, can you read me?" I was panting hard, trying to wrap my head around it. Was it actually true? "Cap, it's Sam, can you hear me?" I suddenly heard something behind me. "On your left." 

I turned and I saw a portal. Out of it walked three people. They were all ones I knew. It was Shuri, Okoye, and, in the lead, T'Challa. I didn't understand at first until I saw Sam fly through the portal. Then, hundreds of portals started to open. They were all people we knew. It was everyone who had been gone. They were back...and they were to stay. They were here to fight.

Izetta's POV

They were here. We weren't alone. I saw everyone I knew and more. I saw Stephen, Wong, and the other Masters of Magic. I saw Valkyrie and the rest of Asgard. I saw old friends and new, ones I had heard about from the others. I saw Pepper and Peter. Everyone had come to fight. I knelt there, smiling like a fool. They had all come back for one reason...they had come back for us.

Stephen was next to me in seconds. I looked up at him, still smiling. I couldn't believe it. "Strange, you mad son of a bitch!" He grinned.

"Good to see you again, Izetta." He helped me up. "And glad you could make it."

"I should be saying that to you!" I laughed. He turned to Wong.

"Is that everyone?" 

"What, you wanted more?" I shrugged.

"Couldn't hurt!" Suddenly, I heard a roar. I paused. "...No way..." I looked up as I saw two figures fly in and land on a tree platform above us that had materialized out of nowhere. This was too insane for me. My brother smiled down at me as they landed.

"Hope we aren't late to the party!" I looked to Strange. He shook his head. 

"They came on their own. Even I can't break through your brother's spell that quickly." 

"You coming up, Sister? We need your help!" I looked up as Fawn called out to me. "We have one last friend to call in!" 

"You better get up there." I took off without a second thought as Stephen spoke.

"You're actually here..." I breathed. Varick smiled.

"When we fight, we fight together." They put their hands together. "And we need your help to bring in the last bit of cavalry." I smiled and took their hands, placing mine with theirs. Our crystals all started to glow and I followed their movements effortlessly as we took into the air and opened up one last portal. We landed again and Varick roared loudly. I heard another roar-like call in response. Then, all of the Wyverns came pouring out. My eyes were wide with wonder as they soared overhead, forming a strong line and clearly ready to fight.

"Wait! You control them!?" I exclaimed. He laughed.

"They're my army! You really thought I wouldn't gather an extra force to protect our home?" 

"I don't know what goes through your head period!" 

"Well, let's just say there was one more surprise we got today, Sister!" Fawn stated. "And it's one you'll be happy to see!" The final Wyvern came flying out and this one was way bigger than all the others. It had scars and dark skin with colorful markings and absolutely huge horns. It wore shiny armor and was clearly the leader of his fellow flying scaly friends. However, I lost all the breath in my lungs as I saw who was riding him.

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