Chapter 88

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Izetta's POV

I had been happy with Loki for a week now. Everything felt calm and peaceful and I almost didn't want to leave. Almost. Even if this place was more like paradise than it had ever been before, something was still wrong. I didn't know what it was, but I could feel it. Loki always helped me take my mind off things though.

I'd also been having these dreams. I would still hear screaming and I'd hear people fighting. They were awful. I hadn't told Loki about them. I didn't want him to worry. Of course, he'd been a lot more relaxed than I'd seen him in a long time. I didn't know why, but I had just assumed it was because we were safe and we were happy.

I knew we had to leave soon though. I missed my family and I wanted to tell them about us. I wanted to tell my dad how much Loki had changed. His heart was in the right place and he wanted to do better than before. He wanted to come with me.

Today, however, my emotions felt way off. Something was bothering me and I had no idea what it was. I didn't understand it at all. Loki had taken notice of my differing attitude, but he was less quick to call attention to it. It wasn't until my head started hurting slightly that he finally spoke up.

"Darling, are you alright? What's wrong?" I looked over at him. Both of us were sitting at the pond again. Though, it felt duller today than it usually did.

"I...I don't know. I just...I don't feel like myself today. My head kinda hurts..." He paused for a moment and I saw his expression shift for a moment, but I couldn't tell what he was feeling. 

"You've been muttering in your sleep these past few...days. Have you been having trouble sleeping?" He asked. I sighed, scooting closer to him as he wrapped an arm around me.

"Kind of...I didn't want you to worry, but I've been having these dreams. I keep hearing voices. Sometimes I just hear yelling, but other times I can hear them saying things. I can hear myself and I can hear Tony. I can hear Pepper and sometimes I hear Thor too. But then I hear fighting and these horrible sounds in my head. My ears start hurting and I can hear screaming after that, but it's all dark and fuzzy. I can't ever see anything." He frowned, looking away from me. His reactions were a lot less of being worried and looked more like he was...sad.

"How do you feel today?"

"I feel...heavy, I guess? I mean, it's like I'm in pain, but I'm numb. But then I'm also lost and it's all so conflicting and confusing. I feel cold, but my head is warm. I've been getting pins and needles in my hands and my feet, but the rest of me feels kind of stiff and almost weak. It's nothing I've ever felt before. I don't know what's wrong, but I just I feel upset and unsettled and weird." He stood up.

"Can you walk?" I was confused at his question, but I nodded, taking his hand and standing up. "Come with me." I followed him, my hand still in his as he led me up to the top of the tree. I expected to see what I'd found before, but I was confused when he stopped before entering the room. 


"Go inside. I'll be waiting back at the pond." Now I knew something was off. He knew something I didn't.

"Loki, what's going on? Why are you acting like this? What aren't you telling me?" 

"I didn't tell you because I didn't know how. Please, trust me. I just wanted you to be happy for as long as possible. In that room is someone who can explain all this better than I ever could. They'll tell you everything. I promise." He kissed my crystal. "I'll be waiting for you, okay?" I felt afraid now, but I nodded.

"Okay...I'll be there." He smiled a bit.

"See you soon." He left and I swallowed back my nerves before I walked into the room. I looked around, seeing that instead of the crystals were fireflies and flowers. The room looked like a mini garden. Everything was different, but it was very beautiful. That fact at least eased my nerves a bit.

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