Chapter 25

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Izetta's POV

We soon met up with Jane and Lady Sif. Jane recognized Loki right away. "You're...?"

"I'm Loki. You may have heard of-" He was cut off as she slapped him right across the face.

"That's for New York!" I grinned, liking her reaction.

"That's almost the same thing I did to him!" I told her.

"I don't know why any sane person wouldn't do that." She agreed. Loki sighed, but he smiled.

"I like her."

"That's not what he said when I did it though."

"You punched me, this was a slap. Plus she is mortal. Slight differences," He remarked. "And we had already met." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, kinda wish we never had to," I muttered. Then, we saw more guards coming. "Shit, we got company." Sif stepped up.

"I'll hold them off. The two of you take her."

"Thank you," Thor stated. She stopped Loki with her sword.

"Betray him and I'll kill you." Loki chuckled in response.

"It's good to see you too, Sif." I stepped in, breaking them up.

"We gotta go," I said. Loki followed after Thor and I turned to Sif. "Besides, I'll get to him first if he tries it," I told her before hurrying after them.

We made it to the ship where Volstagg was waiting for us. I smiled as we headed over to him and he said, "I will give you as much time as I can."

"Thank you, Volstagg," I told him. Thor and Jane headed inside the ship. Once again, Loki was stopped.

"If you even think about betraying him-"

"You'll...kill me?" Loki asked. "Evidently, there will be a line."

"That should be enough of a warning, then," I told him as were hurried inside the ship. Thor began to press things, trying to get it to turn on.

"I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing."

"I said, 'how hard could it be?'." I rolled my eyes.

"Great. I can do two people, but not three. My wings won't hold everyone." 

"Just let me figure this out," Thor retorted.

"Well, whatever you're doing, brother, I suggest you do it faster."

"Shut up, Loki."

"You must've missed something."

"No, I didn't. I'm pressing every button on this thing."

"Uh, from experience, that might not end well." They turned to me, confused. "Okay, no time for details, but it ended with a lab on fire..." I muttered, embarrassed.

"So that was the incident at Stark's mansion," Jane said.

"Not a word while there's company!"

"I heard part of his house almost got completely melted."

"It was an accident! I didn't know how any of this crap worked yet and my crystal had a power surge, okay!?"

"Marvelous, Izetta."

"Shut up, Loki!" I snapped.

"All of you be quiet!" Thor yelled.

"Don't hit it, just press it gently," Loki insisted.

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