Chapter 34

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Izetta's POV

It had been one full year since Loki and I had started dating. I had really risen in the ranks and I was now his right hand. Of course, it was a little different since he was still playing himself off as Odin. I helped make sure that everything ran smoothly. This gave Loki more free time to be lazy. I always had to secretly be on his ass about actually being a king (even if he wasn't).

I was out at my tree, drawing. Today, I was drawing Asgard from afar. I wanted to work on my landscapes. I was happy to have some time to relax. It had been hectic lately, and I knew that Loki was going to be too busy to spend time with me today, so I had accepted the fact that our first year was most likely not going to be celebrated. Drawing was a good way to take my mind off things. It gave me something else to focus on.

I did take breaks to swim for a bit though. The water helped clear my mind if I was struggling with something. Plus, it was just relaxing. So, you can imagine my surprise when I saw one of their ships flying toward me. I hopped out of the water and landed on the shore as they came in for a landing and approached me.

"Hello. Is there something wrong? Why are you three all the way out here? Am I needed back at the palace?" I asked.

"We were sent to find you because you were reported missing," The lead replied.

"Missing? Oh! Is this because I took my necklace off before I left? Ha! He thought I was missing?" I asked, amused. I always took my necklace off whenever I was going to be swimming. I didn't want the metal to rust and I didn't want to lose it.

"His Majesty was concerned for your well-being. We should report back to him. You may stay if you would like."

"No, no! I'm done for today! You boys arrived at the perfect time! May I get a lift back, though?" The leader nodded.

"Of course, Miss." I hopped into their ship and transformed back into my human form. As I was standing by the side, enjoying the view, I suddenly was joined by one of them. I looked over, wondering why he was so close. Then, I realized. I grinned.

"I bet Odin will want me back soon, anyway. It's kinda strange. He's been protective of me lately." He paused before he looked away, embarrassed.

"Y-you made him quite nervous, Ma'am."

"Yeah. Well, back home on Midgard people love to loosen up. I think Odin needs to learn when to do that sometimes." I replied. He glared at me slightly.

"I have no opinion on the matter, I'm afraid." I chuckled before muttering,

"Not one that you can say, troublemaker~" He blushed a bit and I grinned. "I win," I whispered.

"This time," He muttered back. "Only because I let you."

"Whatever you have to tell yourself."

Loki's POV

I walked with her as we made it to the palace. I had only been worried because she never took off her necklace. I hadn't considered that she'd gone swimming. I had brought her necklace with me to give to her. She put it on with a smile, finding it cute that I'd brought it. Of course, the real reason was that I couldn't let anyone else wear it. It was hers and hers alone for a good reason.

The moment we were alone, I turned back into myself. I took her hands in mine, making her look at me. I would never get used to those eyes. They were truly special.

"You can not just leave like that again, Izetta. You made me put the whole palace on alert."

"Loki, seriously? Come on, you don't trust me enough to go for a swim?"

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