Chapter 105

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Thor's POV

After that, Loki and I started spending much more time together. My brother had been improving a lot. Staying had been worth it. However, after another six months, I knew it was time for me to move on. I would always come to visit him, but I still wanted to do my part in keeping all the other worlds safe.

Today, all of us were coming together again. Since the Guardians were coming back, all of us were going to be meeting at the facility. Everyone was going to be coming since it was more than just me checking in. It was the anniversary. I invited Loki and, after a bit of convincing, he agreed to come with me. Both of us got ready to go. I saw that he'd dressed fairly casually, but I could tell that he was definitely feeling more reclusive today. 

(Found this and geeked out

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(Found this and geeked out. I had to use it. He looks so good!! On a side note: obviously, his hair is a bit different since as all of us can tell, this is based on when our boy was just a little boy in Thor. Cute and innocent boy looks adorable, but his hair is a bit messier and longer these days, as you all know. That is all. Continue my friends!)

"You look nice, brother," I told him. He nodded.

"Thanks." I paused. He didn't say anything as I waited for him. My face fell a little as I got annoyed with him. I gestured to myself. He looked confused. "...What?"


"...You didn't think I was actually going to compliment you, did you?" I sighed, shaking my head.

"You really are a pain, Loki." He smirked a little.

"Come on now, my job has always been to be the better brother."

"Oh, you want to start that again?" He chuckled.

"I am just kidding when I say it this time, brother."

"That's one of the flimsiest lies you've ever told."

"I was being honest!"

"Sure you were."

"Well, then believe what you will! I still have my own dignity!" I patted him on the back with a smile. 

"I'm just teasing you, brother. Come on. We'd best be off."

We both got into the truck together. It was a long day of travel from truck to plane to being picked up by Natasha. She had stayed at the facility and was happy to come and get the two of us. It was also lucky that Stark gave us an easy way to fly by letting us aboard his private plane. It was much faster.

"Hey, boys. Thor, you look like your old self again! About time you got back on it." I smiled.

"Thank you, Natasha! I've been working hard!" She smiled and shook my hand before turning to Loki. 

"Hey, Loki. Didn't think you'd come." 

"Well, I thought it would be best to see my brother off." She nodded.

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