Chapter 44

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Izetta's POV

"What's the Vibranium for?" Tony asked him, getting us back on track.

"I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan." He suddenly blasted Tony and the fight began. Pietro took off, but I blocked his sister.

"Going somewhere?" She used her power to grip my wings, but I used a light energy blast to knock her down. 

"You might have a tough head, but it won't work if you can't focus. Trust me, I had to practice that one too." I heard Pietro coming. I jumped up and used my tail to smack him. He fell on top of his sister. "Six ears come in handy, buddy." 

"How did you-?" He began but a bot suddenly leaped onto me. I roared and threw it off, smashing it into the wall. 

"I'll give you both one chance. Walk away. Vengeance isn't going to fulfill you. It'll only end up getting you both killed. Ultron doesn't fight for people and once he's done you both will go down with the rest of us." I told them.

"If you think your pity will change us, you're wrong!" Wanda yelled.

"We've had plenty of time to think about our actions, lizard-girl. You had your epiphany at humanly seventeen, ya?" He caught me by surprise, throwing a piece of metal my way and making me have to dodge back and give him an opening. He paused once he and his sister were in the clear. "We had ours at ten."

I lost them and I had to keep fighting different droids. For some reason, most of the robots were focused on me. I didn't know why until one of them tried to grab my crystal. Ultron spoke through that one. 

"Oh, and by the way, I think you have something that now belongs to me." I growled angrily and destroyed the bot.

"You'll take it when I'm dead, jackass." Why is everyone always so desperate for my crystal? Steal it and it won't work anyway!

The fight was over soon enough, but I was stunned as I suddenly felt something trying to enter my head. I started seeing a vision of Ultron killing Tony. Then, it switched to Malekith's henchman killing Loki again. I only saw it for a split second before I suddenly felt a wave of relief. I was back in the present. I was stunned as I saw Silk in his larger for again attacking Wanda. He fought her off, hissing before hurrying back to me.

" did you-?" I saw Pietro take his sister away and I was about to go after them when I heard Barton call out to me.

"Izz!" I looked up. "You good? We lost you for a sec!" I nodded, used to nightmares by this point. I knew they weren't real and I couldn't let her mind games get to me. Silk had helped me with that. I was going to find out how later.

"Yeah, but we need to round up the others! I think everybody is seeing a bit of red, now!" He nodded and we both split up, gathering the team and taking them back to the jet. Everybody was out of it. I wished I could help them, but Wanda had already done her work. I couldn't break through so easily. It was only because of Silk that I'd broken free of her powers. I looked around.

"Where's Bruce? And Tony?" I asked. Clint looked around, realizing that Bruce was missing too. Tony suddenly tuned in.

"Natasha, I could really use a lullaby." I looked at Clint.

"Oh, great..."

"That's not gonna happen. Not for a while," Clint answered him.

"Tony, the girl got to everybody except us. We're all down. We need to take care of the others. Can you handle Bruce the hard way?" I asked.

"...I'm calling in Veronica."

"Be careful, Tony," I warned.

"Yeah, I got that part. Just handle the team. I'll bring him back." After knowing that everybody was safe, I headed over to the ship's controls. I quickly powered us on and took charge. 

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