Chapter 57

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Izetta's POV

We had dinner together and I absolutely loved what Varick made. It was amazing! I'd never had fish that tasted that good before. After we ate, however, I had more questions. These were ones that couldn't be avoided. 

"So...what all happened back then?" I asked. They both looked up. "I...I don't remember much after...the Frost Giants." Varick sighed.

"That story starts with the most sacred secret of this realm. Not even the All-Father knows about this. It is something only trusted with our kind." He got up, starting to head back into the tree. Fawn came over and walked beside me.

"Come." I followed after them as we headed inside. Then, they took me down into a cave system underneath the tree. This system was lit up by the glowing roots of the tree. I could sense the strong magical energy around me. The light was beautiful. 

We made it down into a large chamber and I saw huge golden glowing flowers there. There were many different elegant murals covering the walls. I couldn't exactly piece together what they meant though. 

"This is something only our kind can do. It is called 'Light's Sight'. This is why you couldn't find much information on Alfheim because our kind records it in a way that only we can see," Varick explained. His crystal glowed and so did Fawn's. They suddenly transferred the power to me and I was stunned as I started to see glowing writing written all around the murals. I was breathless.

"We use this ability to store our secrets. This place must be protected above all else. It is the heart of the Light of Alfheim." I nodded as we kept going. I looked around at the large flowers. They were radiating magical energy. They were warm too.

"These flowers are similar to the healing chambers Asgard has, but they are much more powerful. These flowers are directly connected to the light. They can revive individuals from any wound, even death, as long as a body is presented. However, they may choose not to." Varick began.

"The flowers can connect to the souls of the ones given to them. They also connect to the minds and hearts of the loved ones who put the dead into the flowers' judgment." Fawn added.

"Judgement?" I asked.

"If the light deems it to be the offered one's time, then they take the body into the ground for burial. If they sense that they are still needed, either just in general or truly needed by loved ones, then they will stay above ground and act in a similar way as what happens when the All-Father falls into Odinsleep. It's not exactly the same, but the flower uses more power from the light to protect itself and its resident from all harm. The barriers are probably the hardest thing to break through in the entire universe. It becomes a chamber of life and protection. However, it may take years to heal one from the dead, if they are already gone by the time they arrive. The worse the wound, the more energy it takes to revive them. As payment, it also takes longer to bring them back. That is the sacrifice the loved ones make if they truly wish to bring one back from the dead."

"It's almost like a form of regenerative hypersleep or stasis," Fawn said after Varick continued to explain.

"So...what does that have to do with what happened to me?" I asked.

"It has to do with what happened to us," Varick replied.

"Odin sensed that something was wrong in our world, but the Frost Giants were gone before the Asgardians arrived. Odin knows about the flowers' burial abilities, but the secret is their connection to the Light of Alfheim and their healing abilities. We assume the Asgardians took us to the flowers and since we had no other loved ones aside from each other, the flowers only chose to save us because we're the last of our kind. It took a very long time for us to wake up." Fawn explained.

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