Chapter 62

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Izetta's POV

I broke free of Varick's grasp as we arrived on Alfheim. I was furious and hurt. "How could you!? They're my family, Varick!"

"No, they aren't! We are! Or did you forget that too!?"

"Varick, I was a different person back then! It's been hundreds of years! You can't expect me to be just like I was from so long ago! Things have changed!"

"They never should have and once you understand that, you'll realize I'm doing this for the good of our family," He replied. "No one leaves or enters Alfheim! And nobody will ever again!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was disgusted.

"You're insane!"

"I'm protecting our home and our family! You'll thank me one day! I don't care how long that takes!" He snapped. 

"Then you're not my family!" I shouted. "If you don't care, you have no right to be my brother!" 

"I'm doing this because I care about you!" He argued. "Don't you get that!?"

"No!" He growled, but then he sighed a backed down.

"It's too late. We're home and we're not leaving. You're meant to be here with us. This is how it was supposed to be. I'm not going to break my promise. That's my final word," He told me and headed off. I glared after him.

"Well, I'm not done!" I shouted.

"You will be eventually, once you understand."

"I understand plenty!" I growled. "You're a coward!" He paused. "You too scared of everything else that you won't listen to anyone but yourself!"

"...I made a promise, I refuse to break it." 

"You can't keep me trapped here forever!"

"You aren't trapped. Here is where you're safe. You have more freedom here than anywhere else you've ever been." I growled.

"If you actually believe that, then you're the biggest dumbass I've ever met," I told him. "And you will never be my brother."

Fawn's POV

I saw her rush off back to the tree as he stood there with his back to us. Varick headed off to one of his peaks and I was left there to witness the brokenness we'd created. Izetta was right. This wasn't a family, this was a mess. I had to do something, but I didn't have any idea what. Mother, I failed...what do I do now?

I needed to talk to Izetta, but I also needed to speak with Varick. Both of them had wildly different ideas of what was best for our family and I was still finding myself caught in the middle. I knew I had to make a choice. I had to pick a side. She'll never be happy if she stays here. I have to convince him.

I hurried after Varick. I needed him to understand what he was doing. He had to overcome his fears. I understood them greatly, but he was making a mistake. It was one I feared would divide them forever. 

"Varick!" He turned as I arrived. "Please, you must reconsider. You can't keep her here if she does not wish to stay!"

"If she's allowed to leave, she'll never come back." 

"And who's fault would that be?" I asked. He said nothing. "Varick, you're only going to make her resent you. You must listen. If you truly wish to protect our family, you would protect and make peace with those that Izetta has brought into it."

"Those mortals are not our family! Humans are vile and selfish! As are most other races! They are driven by greed and the thirst for power! You saw his creations! They are not protection, they are weapons! And he was using our sister as one!"

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