Chapter 80

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Izetta's POV

I groaned a little as everybody came to. That portal had been a bit much, but luckily we were all in one piece. I unstrapped myself as Val took the wheel and Bruce joined me as we looked out over Asgard. 

"I never thought I'd be back here." I patted Val's shoulder. 

"Wish I could welcome you back on better terms." She smiled a little at my kindness. "but then again, your forte is kicking ass, so we could also take it as just like old times, right?" She grinned, liking my joke more.

"Come on, now, Izetta. We need to get serious," Thor told me. I shrugged.

"Well, we made it. That's step one done. Now, time for the probably life-threatening step two. Find Hela." I stated. Bruce scanned over Asgard.

"I thought it'd be a lot nicer. I mean, not that it's not nice, it's just it's...on fire."

"Yeah, that might cause it to lose some of its touches," I replied.

"Here, up in the mountains," Val said, pointing to her scans. "Heat signatures. People clustered together. She's coming for them." I growled.

"Hey, Thor, you guys still have my spare Asgardian version of my armor here?"

"I'm afraid not. That was the same armor you wrecked after Malekith, right?"

"Oh, yep. That's right. That was my spare. Damn it. Was hoping for some goodluck."

"Well, we still have your personally designed weapons, I think." I grinned.

"Nevermind, this is gonna be epic."

"I think you're being optimistic," Valkyrie stated.

"Oh, just you wait until you see what I got, girl." I chuckled.

"Well, now I'm interested."

"Alright, you can drop me off and the palace, and I'll draw her away." I looked at Thor, wondering if he was crazy.

"Uh, alone?" I asked.

"And get yourself killed?" Val added.

"The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with Hela, I need you three to help get everyone off Asgard."

"Thor, I should go with you. We can hold her off together."

"No. I'm not taking a chance with our people. The more strength they have the better. Izetta, I need you to trust me." I didn't like it, but I nodded.


"Okay, but how the hell are we supposed to do that?" Bruce asked.

"I have a man on the ground." I smiled.

"Then let's do this." Val took us in and Thor and I rushed to the armory to get what we needed. I geared up and he looked over as I put on my chain swords. He grinned as they powered up. My crystal glowed and I chuckled.

"Asgard's gear with some Stark flare. How badass can you get?" I asked, doing a few test slashes and moves before letting the blades break apart into a long whip. They reacted swiftly and Thor chuckled.

"I hope you're not rusty."

"Let's hope you can stay alive long enough to judge that," I replied as we rushed back to the ship. We armed it with a gun and Thor gave Valkyrie the old gear and armor he'd found. I joined the two on the ship as we left Thor at the palace.

"Your Majesty," She started as we began to take off. "don't die." He smiled. "You know what I mean." 

"Be careful, Thor!"

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