Chapter 23

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Izetta's POV

I joined Thor as we helped Fandral and Volstagg fight off the attackers. I growled and transformed, taking them down one after another. My claws dug into the helmet of one before the pressure became too much and I crushed his skull. I growled, fangs barred at him, before I jumped back into battle, taking on another.

"Well, you were wrong! It isn't Loki!" I said to Thor.

"This doesn't seem to be much better, you know!"

"Look at the bright side! The chances of you getting stabbed by him for the how-many-ith time are practically none!" I joked.

"This is not the time for jokes, Izetta!"

"Oh come on, that was a good one! And I'm not wrong!" I said as we worked together, smashing two of them together and knocking them out. I then heard one behind me and bucked back with all the force I could. I took out ten of them, sending the ones behind me flying into a bunch more and knocking all of them down at once. "Such a simple move yet it never gets old!"

We kept fighting, but I was eventually pinned against one of the cell walls. I growled, struggling to get them off. I roared in fury and stretched my jaws, snapping down on their head and twisting it hard. I heard a snap before I let go and hissed at the body at my feet. I spit out the blood in my mouth and glanced at the forcefield of the cell for only a moment. I did a double-take when I saw who it was. He was just sitting there...reading a book...and completely unfazed. He looked up at me.

"...Hey, how's it goin'?" I greeted. Another one launched at me and I quickly spun around, wrapping my tail around them before smashing them hard against the forcefield. I then flung them away and hissed. "Hasn't anyone taught you manners!? Never interrupt a lady, dumbass!"

"...I see your battle banter hasn't changed a bit." I looked back at him and shrugged.

"Once you get a bit of Tony Stark's attitude in your veins, there's really no going back. Besides," Another one tried to get me from behind. I kicked him right in the goods. Loki looked a little alarmed by that one. He fell over, down and out. "not all of the things Tony taught me are useless, wouldn't you agree?"

"...I'm sorry...he taught you to do that?"

"Well, what he said was if a guy doesn't back off hit 'em where it hurts, so the way I see it, that can be used in many situations."

"...That is low," He said, shaking his head as if he could feel the pain too. I grinned as I heard another one coming.

"Yes," I spun around and jabbed him right between his legs with my horn. I tossed him off and used my water to clean the blood off before giving Loki a very cheeky smile. "yes it is." Then, there was a loud rumble above us.

"Come on, Izetta!" Thor called, hurrying off again. I paused.

"Oh and, uh, Loki?" He was still looking at me, semi-terrified. "If it wasn't for your brother wanting you in one piece, that last move would've been used on you too," I told him with a smirk before running after Thor.

"YOU'RE BLUFFING!" He called, sounding a little desperate, but I only laughed and called back,

"You should be the one to know if I am or not!"

We ran off and saw that the throne was destroyed. After that, we both hurried to find Jane and Frigga. As we arrived, we saw the unspeakable.

"NO!!" Thor screamed and used a bolt of lightning, but it only scarred the first man's face. I rushed to Frigga, getting my magic ready.

"FRIGGA!" I stopped, immediately trying to help her. My power surging from my body and into hers, but it immediately rebounded. I was stunned. This only happened when... No...

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