Chapter 64

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Izetta's POV

It had been two weeks since I'd moved to New York. I was settling in nicely. Not to mention I was having fun with my new mission. I had called and talked to Peter a few times to get to know him and his powers a bit better. I was creating a training program for him. Tony had trusted me with mentoring him on a bit of a smaller scale. He also said that this might help Happy catch a break from the constant texts and messages. 

Today, we would finally be starting his personal training. We were going to start off simple, of course. I needed to learn his skills up close and personal. Battle training was going to be essential in his case. He didn't have powers anything like mine, but his skills were very much so based on acrobatics and hand-to-hand combat.

I was going to be getting him from school. Of course, I had already informed May that I was going to be working with him closely. Tony had told me that May didn't know about his actual job with us, so I covered for him. 

I drove to his school and parked outside the gate I knew he always went out. I had come to learn a lot about him. Plus, I had been observing him from afar on some of the patrols that he did. He was a good kid. He reminded me of myself before New York. Always so eager for action.

I saw him jump over the gate and I chuckled. "You know, if somebody saw you do that, you'd have some explaining to do." He spotted me and instantly got a little flustered.

"Ms. Stark! I-I was just-"

"Relax, Peter. Come on, I already called your aunt. She knows you're gonna be with me for a bit tonight." 

"I am?"

"Yep. Hop in, Parker." He smiled, clearly excited and quickly coming around and getting into the passenger side of the car.

"Are we finally going on a mission? Did Mr. Stark call me in again?" 

"Not exactly, but I think you're going to like what I have planned."

"What's that?" I chuckled.

"I'm not gonna ruin the surprise!" I drove us along, heading to my new place. I couldn't bring him out anywhere, so I was going to have to make do with my apartment. Luckily, I did still have the best New York could offer. "By the way, I told you to call me Izetta, Peter."

"Right, right! Sorry!" 

"It's alright. But relax a little. I'm not Tony. You can call me Izetta."

"Does that mean I can call Mr. Stark by his first name?"


"Okay." He sounded a little embarrassed.

"You'll get there someday, but you and Tony still have a very different relationship that I have with him. For now, Mr. Stark is probably for the best. Don't stress about it. Besides, we're almost where we need to be."

"Uh, yeah, about that...where are you taking me?" 

"That's part of the surprise."

We arrived at my apartment building and Peter looked impressed by where I lived. I wasn't surprised by that. I lead the way inside and we headed up to my apartment. We rode the elevator to the top and got off almost right at my doorstep. I unlocked the door and walked inside with Peter still looking around in awe.

"It's not perfect for our work, but it'll have to do. Just try not to break anything."

"Our work? Uh...w-what work?" I grinned.

"You have that suit in your bag, right?" He nodded. "Suit up. Bathroom's right down the hallway. It's time for your first lesson, Spider-man." 

He looked ecstatic and I felt something inside of me that made me feel so much lighter. It didn't take me long to quickly realize what it was. He really looked up to me and Tony, but I knew that could be dangerous. That was the whole point of keeping an eye on this kid and I was taking the job seriously.

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