Chapter 61

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Izetta's POV

After everyone was ready, I happily offered up a few places for us to go. I wanted us to have a good time so that way the chances of causing a family feud were significantly lower. Of course, Varick and Tony still seemed tense. However, we hit a snag. Varick didn't want to go anywhere. Pepper ended up suggesting that we actually order some food and hang out. Luckily, everyone seemed to agree with that.

Tony ordered some pizza for everyone and asked Friday to turn on some music. She obliged and we all sat around in our own respective chairs, having what we wanted to drink. Tony had beer, of course, but he was the only one that actually had a real drink. I had my soda again while Fawn and Varick stuck to water. Pepper decided to have a soda too.

As we waited for our food to arrive, Pepper was the first to start a conversation. I was grateful that she was trying to be hospitable. Tony was still less than enthused about the guests and the circumstances of their visit. However, I couldn't say that this surprised me. 

"So, you two are her older siblings, right? Um, how much older are you?" She asked.

"We're both two human years older than her, but we're actually 1100 years old," Fawn replied.

"Oh, wow. That's a lot." Pepper chuckled a little. Fawn chuckled in response.

"Yes, it is. It's hard to comprehend our age, honestly. It seems like nothing to us, but we're used to it. It must be strange to hear."

"Very," Pepper replied.

"I bet it's less of a shock this time, though," I added, causing them to laugh a little.

"Yes, I will agree with that one," Pepper said with a smile, taking another sip of her drink. Tony spoke up after that.

"So, do you all have the same powers, or is this like Thor and his brother?" I ignored the mention of Loki.

"No, we have differing abilities. It's a by-product of our godhood, in a way. All gods and demi-gods have powers or aspects that make them unique. I can control fauna and speak with animals along with their spirits as well. I can also control tar and create earthquakes, but earthquakes are highly difficult. Varick can control fire and ice. Not very well simultaneously, but he's done it a few times."

"We're more comfortable showing our abilities in Alfheim." Varick cut in. "We understand that humans don't always treat outsiders..." He glanced over at me, eyeing my scars with a disapproving look. "...fairly." Fawn stepped in again.

"Of course, Izetta here seems to have a knack for finding the good ones." Pepper smiled and Tony gave a quick flash of a smile, but it didn't seem real.

"Well, we're honored to be thought of that way," Pepper told them. I shifted a little in my seat. Pepper kept trying to break the tension. "So, is your world different from ours? I mean, it must be just full of crazy sights and creatures. What are your people like?" 

"The Light Elves are extinct. We're the only living residents on Alfheim, aside from the animals and other creatures," Varick replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I hope I didn't bring up a sensitive subject." Fawn frowned a little, but she smiled back at Pepper.

"It's alright. There was no way you could've known until now. Let's just move on. Your world seems very advanced in technology. Our home is, let's say."

"Well, Tony does love to create things, right?" Pepper invited.

"Yeah, do it all the time. Made weapons, but then I stopped and made my suit, saved the world, became an Avenger, built a clean energy source, that sort of deal." 

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