Chapter 95

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Izetta's POV

We met up with Steve right away.

"You got the Tesseract in that thing?" He asked as soon as we got to a more private area. We both nodded and Tony opened it to show for proof. Steve sighed in relief. 

"And I met my grandfather!" I said happily. Tony chuckled.

"Yeah, that was a bit of a curveball. What did you think, Izz?" I smiled.

"I see why you miss him." He sighed, but he nodded.

"Yeah. I wish I could talk to him as myself. There's so much I'd wanna tell him." I patted Tony's shoulder.

"He would be proud of you if he knew everything you've done."

"Since when did you become more of a parent than me?" I laughed.

"Even you need it sometimes, Tony!" 

"Alright, let's get going. We'd better get this back to the others before we lose it again." We both nodded in agreement and got our particles ready. We all synced up our devices before looking up at each other.

"One more trip through the wormhole, boys."

"Let's hope we make it back in one piece," Tony commented.

"We'll be fine," I replied.

"Everyone ready?" Steve asked.

"As ever, Cap!"

"Let's get this thing back already." Tony agreed as we suited up and then headed back together, joining the others as we all arrived back home. 

I looked around as we made it back, checking to see if everyone had a stone. It looked like we had all six. I couldn't believe it at first. I smiled, happier than ever as I started to get over my disbelief. Is this seriously real? Did we actually bring them all back? Do we really have a shot at reversing this? I had to admit, it still felt as if it was impossible, but the weight of the reality that it had worked was lifting my spirits to no end.

"Did we get them all?" Bruce asked, looking to reconfirm my conclusion.

"Are you telling me this actually worked?" Rhodey said, smiling.

"We did it! We actually freaking did it!" I cheered, hugging Tony happily. He chuckled.

"Easy, Izz." Suddenly, we all saw Clint kneel down, a pain-filled expression on his face. We turned and it was then we all realized Nat wasn't there. I started to frown.

"Clint, where's Nat?" Bruce asked. He looked up sadly. I felt my heart drop, my joy shattering as I realized what his heartbroken look meant.  


"...A soul for a soul...she's gone..." Clint managed to say. I felt awful. This was a hit to everyone. It hurt more than anything. Bruce knelt down, unable to stand for a second before hitting the machine angrily, but not enough to break it. The main team went out to get some air and talk.

"...Do we know if she had family?" Tony asked.

"," Steve replied, looking just as heartbroken as everyone else. I'd never seen him so sad before.

"What?" Thor asked, looking confused. 

"Huh?" Tony said back, not understanding what he meant by that.

"What are you doing?"

"Just asked him a question."

"Yeah, no, you're acting like she's dead. Why are we acting like she's dead? We have the stones, right? As long as we have the stones, Cap, we can bring her back! Isn't that right? So stop this shit! We're the Avengers! Get it together!" 

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