Chapter 102

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Thor's POV

It had been three months since Izetta's funeral. I was starting to worry for Loki. He was barely ever around. I never saw him and when I did, he never said a word. It was so unlike him. He was never this quiet. He was never this...devoid of anything that made him who he was.

I'd heard that some people had seen him around places to eat and drink, but more often than not he just vanished off the map. I assumed he was using his powers. It wasn't hard to guess. I assumed he was probably disguising himself and making up some weird names. Before he was always so proud to go around dressed in the finest for what Midgard had to offer, even when we'd gone to look for Father, but now it was strange to see him disguising who he was. It was almost like he never wanted to be himself, which was very alarming to me.

Today, he came back home with messier hair the usual. I could tell he'd had a few drinks. It was raining outside, so he was also drenched when he walked inside. He didn't even use his magic to dry himself. He just took off his dripping coat and boots before starting to head to his room.

"Loki, hang on. Can we chat for a minute?" He paused halfway down the hall to his room.

"...I don't wish to talk right now, Thor." I sighed.

"Brother, I know what you're going through is hard, but don't you think it would help to talk about it?"

"Why?" He asked, turning around. "What could you possibly say to make this better?"

"Well...for starters, would you like to sit down?"

"I'm tired. Just go about your day."

"Loki, stop. Please, give me just a few minutes, Brother." After a moment of nothing, he came back and sat down at the table in the kitchen. I walked over and sat across from him. He refused to face me, clearly thinking about much more than just talking to me. "Okay...well...let's start off with...what brought on your negative feelings today? Was it something specific?"

"Just how you started sounds childish."

"I was more going for how I've seen therapists on TV handle these sorts of things."

"Well, then those are terrible therapists."

"Loki, come on! I want you to get through this! I'm only trying to help!"

"And what if I don't want your help, Thor!?" He seemed to be getting angry very fast as he stood up, glaring down at me. I stood up too so we were more on even ground.

"Why not? I thought we'd mended our relationship after we left our old home! I just want to be a good brother again!" He laughed slightly.

"Again? Do you honestly believe you were ever a good brother to me?" Now I was getting upset.

"What!? Are you serious!? Don't start with this again! After all, how much better were you, anyway!? Always trying to show me your great affection by stabbing me in the back! Literally and figuratively!"

"Well, you made it very easy," He growled.

"Do you not care at all!? We all were a family back on that ship before, what changed!?" His eyes were blazing as I said that.

"What changed? What changed? ...No. Don't you even dare say that as if you don't understand what the hell changed!"

"You don't think I miss her as well!? She was my best friend! And I cared for her more than you did over the year we were together! I cared about her as a person rather than just some creature whose power I could control if I tricked them into caring for me!" His face was getting red from his fury.

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