Chapter 79

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Loki's POV

I stood there for a moment after she left. I felt heavy and dull. I felt like nothing I did even mattered. She had made her choice and it wasn't one that had anything that had to do with me. I put the necklace into my pocket along with the dagger. I gathered myself, knowing there was nothing else I could say. I walked out and joined them as we got ready to go. Izetta glanced at me, but that was it.

"Let's move." 

And we were off. I went with Thor as we snuck into the garage. As we were walking, he asked me something. I wasn't prepared for it, but I still answered regardless.

"Do you have her necklace?"


"So she did give it back."

"Yes, she did."

"Her Guardian Spirit is yours then. She no longer has any ties to you."

"...No, she doesn't."

" can't say you didn't expect it to end like that, now can you?"

"If you must pry at me, why don't you just come out with it?"

"Alright. How could you do that to her? Are you really that cruel?"

"Do what to her?"

"That spell is based on the passion of one's soul and you knew that once you gave her that, there was no going back." I had an uncomfortable feeling. "You meddled with her emotions by entrancing her. That spell is soul-crushingly dangerous when used as an unknowing gift, and you did it anyway." I faced him, fed up with his accusations, but doing my best to keep a level head.


"...You entranced her in a spell that made her passions long for you. You gave her something that you knew was bound to break. You destroyed everything my friend was, need I explain the sorcery you used to play with her heart and mind any more than that?" 

"I didn't play with her heart or her mind. She chose it." I stated. He grinned a little.

"Or did you choose it for her?"

"I did the spell so she would share something with me that couldn't be broken, but no. You couldn't have just let us be. You had to come waltzing back into her life and steal her away when all I wanted was to keep her by my side where she was safe rather than parading through the galaxy with you, facing certain death!" He chuckled slightly. "Oh, this is funny to you, now, is it?"

"I find it astonishing how little faith you had in the woman she became. You saw her strength the same as I did, yet you let your own desires consume her and yourself before ever taking into account that her life was not just to be with you." I paused. "You didn't care about what she needed, you only cared about what you stole for yourself. Another precious prize of yours...turned to ash once you showed your true ambitions."

"...How would you know? You weren't there."

"Maybe not, but I know my friend, and I know that who she is now only started because of you."

"...If you really wanted to protect her, you would send her home. You wouldn't drag her along to die like an animal to that power-hungry maniac."

"Well, let's just say those words sound familiar, Brother, and she made it out just fine back in New York." He kept going and I followed after him. I got to work opening the garage. "However, I am not bitter toward you. Even if you weren't truly looking out for her, I can tell you didn't do everything for yourself. Though, I don't think Izetta would listen if I tried to tell her that. But that doesn't matter right now. In fact, I believe that we should talk." I looked over at him.

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