Chapter 5

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Izetta's POV

I got nervous as the two started to fight. Tony! Come on! Seriously!? I had this! Why do you always blast first and ask later!? I mean, the Shakespeare line was good, but that's not the point!

"So, he's your father, hm?" I was stunned by what Loki said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"What!? No! He's just my guardian! He's the one that saved me, so he took me in. I had nowhere else to go. Wait. I mean, why the hell do you care?"

"So he's your father."

"He's not my dad!"

"You see him as one."

"No, I don't! I- Uhg!! Nevermind! Just shut up!" I continued to watch the fight. I was shocked as he was blasted with lightning (no pun intended. Well...maybe a little bit intended). "Tony!!" Then, I saw him fire off a big blast. I was stunned. "Talk about recoil."

"Could you be quiet?"

"That's your job right now," I grumbled at him. The fight continued and I soon saw Rogers intervene. There was a huge blast when Thor slammed his hammer into Rogers' shield. A bunch of trees had been taken down and I was stunned by how powerful that had been.

"Are we done here?" Rogers asked finally.

"You guys good!?" I called.

"Izetta, go back to the jet!" Rogers called.

"Hey! I'm not the one destroying forestry!" I snapped back.

"No, but you are the most incapable being I've ever seen." I growled at Loki.

"Oh yeah?" I smacked him right off the edge and he fell flat on his ass at the bottom. "I told you to shut up, jackass! You can't even land right!"

"How dare you!?"

"That's two for me, buddy!" I taunted. "And I'll gladly make it three."

"Enough!" Rogers yelled. "Come on, let's go."

Loki was taken in again as we continued back, now with Thor in tow. I talked to him as we arrived. I honestly thought his powers were really cool. I wondered if I could learn to do something similar to him someday. After all, I was starting to learn how to control water, so maybe it wasn't too far-fetched that I could do things with other elements too. Not to mention I just wanted to learn more about him. I mean, his title is the God of Thunder. Who wouldn't want to details on that?

"So, lightning, huh? That's pretty cool!" I complimented.

"Oh...why, thank you." He seemed surprised by my compliment, but I smiled anyway. I was always happy to get off on a good note with new people. Plus it might make him more willing to help us.

"Sorry, we got off on the wrong foot before. My name's Izetta! Izetta Lynn Inora, but I live with Tony. That's, uh, the metal guy over there. He's the one that saved me after I was turned into, well, this." 

"You believe that other humans turned you into such a creature?"

"Well, yeah? I was born on Earth, after all. They took away my memories somehow, but I'm still human at heart. I don't really know how they did it, but Tony always told me that I belonged here on Earth. I mean, you and your brother need the Tesseract to travel, right? So how would I end up on Earth if I wasn't from here? Seems kinda impossible to me."

"I do not believe these people have been honest with you, young Izetta. Your powers...they can not be anything from mortal decent. They are benevolent compared to this world." I frowned. What?, that's impossible. It can't be that. "You must've suspected something like this at some point. You couldn't have possibly ignored it for so long."

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